chapter thirty-four

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chapter thirty-four | the prisoners

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chapter thirty-four | the prisoners


"You want me to stay? But let Hershel go?" She questioned the leader of their group. Now, this is the first time she actually did not agree with one of his decisions.

"Yes, make sure everyone is safe—"

"I don't need a speech like Carl," Laurel rolled her eyes as she crossed her arms.

Rick rubbed his facial hair with a sigh, staring at the stubborn woman in front of him. He was thanking himself that he took her to the side and they didn't have to do this in front of everybody and make a scene. "Just stay, please," he sighed annoyingly.

Laurel huffed, "Yeah, you got it, sheriff."

With nothing left to say, Rick left her cell and walked down the metal stairs. Joining the others who were putting on their armor before leaving to find the cafeteria and infirmary.

Laurel walked out of her cell and watched them leave from the balcony above, her face stoic. Cassie left Carl's side when he locked up the cell block gate behind the group leaving, walking up the stairs and joining her sister's side.

"You know it's not a bad thing, right?" Cassie asked, leaning on the guard rail. "Not being on every mission?"

The older sister said nothing and turned her back towards her. She decided to clean up her cell and unpack a bit. Cassie joined her quietly, realizing her sister wasn't in the mood to talk at the moment.

Cassie had called dibs on the top bunk, even though Laurel wasn't going to complain about getting the bottom one. Luckily, the two called a cell that was relatively clean. They were on the second floor, a little farther from everyone else in the corner of the block. Which was what Laurel wanted, missing her own privacy. She felt safer as well sleeping on the second floor.

After unpacking a few belongings she had, Laurel laid down on her bed and couldn't fight to keep her eyes open. She fell asleep immediately, oblivious when Cassie slipped out to hang out with Carl and Beth.

"Open the door!"

Laurel shot up, her forehead almost hitting the metal bed frame above her head. She had to brace herself. The screaming awoke her harshly from her nap.

With her heart racing wildly, she jumped out of bed and almost fell over the railing as she peeked over. She noticed the trail of blood disappearing into a cell down below with some of the group disappearing inside it. Everyone was frantically grabbing sheets and supplies from other cells.

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