chapter four

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chapter four | the unlucky ones

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chapter four | the unlucky ones

IT WASN'T LONG until the Hill siblings were tired of walking and made their way back to the camp, where everyone else was doing their chores. It also didn't take Laurel long to notice Jim was tied to a tree at the edge of camp with Shane helping him take a sip of water.

Laurel's mouth dropped open, not understanding why a man was tied up to a tree like a dog... Laurel didn't even like the thought of a dog being tied up to a tree.

She sent the kids to Dale, who gladly let them sit with him and play card games on top of the RV. Although Dale was trying to keep them occupied, he always caught them looking at their older sister as she approached Shane and Jim with her arms crossed.

When Jim smiled up at someone behind Shane and he stood up to look who it was, noticing right away the glare on Laurel's face. He sighed, looking back at Jim and then at Laurel again.


"Yes, Laurel?" His lips pulled up into a fake smile.

"Why is the poor man tied up to a tree like a dog?" Laurel asked, sending a concerned glance toward Jim.

"I'm fine, Laurel."

"It's just a precaution. I'm keeping him here until I don't think he's a danger to himself... or others," Shane explained.

Laurel was about to ask what did he do to deserve this until Jim spoke to Lori and the kids that were doing their schoolwork behind the brunette.

"Sorry if I scared your boy and your little girl," Jim apologized.

"You had sunstroke. Nobody's blaming you." Lori reassured him. Jim asked if the kids were scared still, and when they shook their heads Jim smiled.

"Jim, do you know why you were digging?" Shane asked. Laurel bent down on the opposite side of him, leaning in to listen.

"I had a reason. Don't remember. Something I dreamt last night."

"What was the dream?" Laurel asked.

Jim spoke towards Carl, saying how Carl's father was in it, and so was he. But he couldn't remember the rest. Jim assured Carl that his father would be back, how he was probably helping someone that needed him.

Daryl stood in an office building in Atlanta with Rick, T-Dog, and their new friend, Miguelito. They have been questioning the young teenager about where his friends took Glenn.

"Those men you were with, we need to know where they went," Rick asked, squatting down to Migeulito's level.

"Jesus, man. What the hell happened back there?" T-Dog interrupted.

"I told you, this little turd and his douchebag friends came out of nowhere and jumped me," Daryl fumed, pacing back and forth.

"You're the one who jumped me, puto, screaming about trying to find his brother like it's my damn fault."

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