chapter sixty

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chapter sixty | the trailer pt

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chapter sixty | the trailer pt. i

FOR THE FIRST MONTH, most of the Woodbury townspeople have started to settle in nicely. It was a little chaotic, given that the original group has never had this many people with them, but the prison didn't feel as... depressing as it used to. Now it was filled with life.

After many meetings, it was decided that Rick was no longer the leader. Instead, they have a council. Hershel, Glenn, Carol, Daryl, Michonne, and Laurel. Rick said he didn't want to be their Governor, that it wasn't a democracy anymore. Laurel respected Rick's decision but she knew he was the one that kept them going all this time. He was the reason they got this far.

Rick and Laurel would frequently walk the tombs together, making sure their reinforcements were holding up and no walkers were haunting the hallways anymore. That was their thing, their "bonding" time. That's when they check up on each other, ensuring the other was doing okay given everything that has happened. Rick was doing better, a lot better. He was sleeping easier and no longer saw his dead wife. No more phone ringing. No more guns either. Laurel found out about it after he confessed it all to her during their walk. She gave him a long, comforting hug when he did.

Laurel still had nightmares and would wake up in a sweat, barely any air in her lungs. But the moment she started to recognize her cell, she would calm down faster. She would get out of bed, and check on her siblings in their cells to stop the intrusive thoughts. After that, she would either take a walk outside or go back to bed, not sleep but just lay there until sunrise. It was a routine every night. She didn't bother taking off her shoes most nights and just slept with them on.

And then every morning, Laurel would get up at the crack of dawn to leave the prison with Daryl. They would spend morning till afternoon, hunting, scavenging, and even finding a few people if they came across some to bring them back home... If they correctly answered the three questions that Rick came up with.

How many walkers have they killed?

How many people have they killed?


In between it all, Daryl helped Laurel learn a few new skills as promised.

That's where she stood now, in the middle of the forest with a knife held up high, aiming. Daryl stood behind her, gently readjusting her arm. Her eyes narrowed, focused on the target, a rabbit chewing on some grass, it's back to her, unknowing of the threat that was her.

Daryl tapped her elbow that was raised twice, giving her the go. They have come up with hand gestures and touches to communicate to stay quiet when hunting. She breathed in slowly before throwing the knife.

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