chapter forty-five

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chapter forty-five | the flabbergasted

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chapter forty-five | the flabbergasted

AFTER A FULL day of resting, healing, & catching up with the family, Laurel was fed up staying inside the prison. With the little number of windows and the baby crying nonstop that echoes off the cement, dark walls, she felt like she was going mentally insane.

And she was, truth be told. Although, she would never admit to anybody what exactly was going on with her besides the restlessness. She was definitely doing better than Rick, who still is roaming around the prison doing only he knows, rumor that he was seeing his dead wife and talking to her, as told by Hershel.

She blamed the lack of sleep on being cooped up for too long, not because of the fear of going to sleep and hearing T-Dogs screams and the sound of the walkers' teeth ripping his skin from his bones—.


Laurel sighed, rubbing her eyes which caused a worried glance from Cassie who sat across from her. Cassie just observed her sister quietly, not wanting to say anything in fear her sister might shut her out completely as she has done in the past.

The older sister licked her lips before shoving her delicious leftover oatmeal across the table, bumping the plastic bowl with her sisters. At least she ate half of it, more than what they used to eat, Cassie reasoned.

Laurel stayed sitting with her sister, fidgeting every limb as she waited for Cassie to finish eating. They were the only ones in the cafeteria currently, which Laurel usually wouldn't mind before everything but now, it was unnerving. Their big family was smaller now, and Laurel hated it. She missed everyone.

It was the middle of the day and Beth was in her cell, napping with Lori's and Rick's baby girl while Glenn and Maggie were outside in the tower probably having sex. Daryl was off making arrows in his little perch. She could at least hear his knife sharping wood he gathered which oddly eased her a little bit. Carl was hiding in his cell, reading probably and Rick was somewhere with Hershel trying to chase him down on his one leg.

Carol should be here, Lori, and T. This wasn't right. Something was wrong, Laurel can feel it. In her gut, something was gnawing, screaming at her.

Cassie took one last bite of the oatmeal, glancing at her older sister's bouncing leg and her fingers tapping on the metal table. "You wanna get out of the prison, don't you?" The girl asked, bringing the honeyed brunette from her thoughts.

Laurel stopped her movements, meeting eyes with her sister's. Laurel took a moment, trying to figure what to say but deciding to just tell the truth. "Yeah," she groaned, "I can't stand being in these walls, these fences for any longer, Cass," Laurel exasperated with her hands flying in front of her face.

Cassie laughed at her older sister's dramatized hand gestures, "then go, ask Glenn and Maggie. They were thinking about going on one anyway."

Laurel sat stunned by her sister, shocked her sister would actually tell her to leave, instead of staying. She doesn't even think she has ever heard Cassie say the word 'go' towards her before.

hell or high water, dixon¹Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora