chapter twenty-two

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chapter twenty-two | the shootout

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chapter twenty-two | the shootout

"LAUREL?" RICK ASKED, walking up to the young woman who hadn't moved or said a word. Her body was shaking so badly that the men pitied her, but most of all were worried. "Laurel, you okay?"

Laurel nodded her head, wiping at her face― more blood appeared as she tried to wipe it away but the boys didn't bother telling her. She bent down and picked up her knife without a word. Her eyes still stared at his body.

Rick took that as a hint she was okay enough. Rick and Hershel exchanged a conversation with no words, Hershel assuring him he respected what he did with a simple look. Rick appreciated it immensely.

The men then grabbed their weapons, Glenn walked behind the bar and grabbed Dave's gun that laid next to his body on the floor, next to her. Laurel finally adverted her eyes away from the sight― even though she had the image of it burned into her brain.

Rick grabbed her forearm gently and guided her to the front doors with Glenn and Hershel in tow until suddenly car headlights shun through the windows as it pulled up to the front.

Rick whispered for them to get down, and Glenn handed Rick the spare handgun that Dave had. Rick looked at Laurel, who was crouched and had her back to the wall on the other side of the window. She had her eyes locked on something ahead of her, her fingers wrapped around the handle of her knife so tightly that her knuckles were turning white. He clenched his jaw before reaching over and holding out Dave's handgun to her.

She glanced down at it and hesitated, knowing who the past owner of the gun was. But, with no word she sheathed her knife and grasped the gun. It was too late to save them now but it wasn't too late for Laurel to get back to her family. Alive. Dave and Tony were evil, disgusting men and she realized there were others just like them right outside to finish their dead friend's job.

She cocked the gun silently, turned off the safety, and held onto it carefully, the barrel facing the ground but she was ready. She swallowed the lump in her throat and told her body and mind to keep it together. She just wanted to get back to her family. She needed to.

The four of them listened to the engine stopping abruptly and the car doors opening and closing. Laurel guessed there were around four people outside, so it was even. At least she hoped.

The footsteps came up to the door, peeking through the cracks of the curtains above their heads as one of them called out, "Dave? Tony? They said over here?"

"Yeah." Two.

"I'm telling you, man, I heard shots." Three.

"I saw roamers two streets over. Might be more around here."

"Dave! Tony!" One of them yelled.

"Shut up, you idiot! You wanna attract 'em?" A fourth scolded the others, "just stick close. We're gonna find 'em."

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