chapter eight

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chapter eight | the drunk & the sober pt

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chapter eight | the drunk & the sober pt. ii

JENNER LED THEM down a seemingly endless hallway with rooms on each side. The Hill family walked behind the group, laughing behind at how drunk Laurel would stop and look at each room before deeming each one was "not right for them". They weren't listening to what Jenner was saying until he mentioned the showers and the hot water that comes with them.

Glenn turned around to face the group from the front with a grin, "hot water?"

"That's what the man said," T-Dog grinned at Glenn.

Everyone disappeared in a room quickly after that announcement, and Ethan had to drag Laurel into a random one because he was becoming annoyed with her pickiness.

Laurel collapsed in the middle of the bed and moaned in happiness as she rested her head on the fluffiest pillow she has had since the outbreak, "oh my, this feels like heaven."

Ethan and Cassie sat down on both sides of her and grinned widely, happy to have a bed once in weeks. The family sat there in silence while the others enjoyed their hot showers, by the time they would get there, there would be no hot water left. But, they didn't mind, they were finally in a real bed for the first time since they left their apartment in the city. No more dirty or muddy floors, Cassie thought.

Laurel felt the room spinning around her as she closed her eyes. They could hear the group going in and out of the showers behind their door, their quiet voices interrupting their silence. Finally, Laurel grew impatient.

"It's time for a shower!" Laurel squealed, ruffling up Cassie's hair before standing up and leaving the room, stumbling a bit. The wine was getting to her more than she thought.

Laurel didn't want to look at her reflection in the mirrors that hung on one side of the wall with the stalls on the other side. Water was running in one of the stalls at the end of the bathroom but she paid no attention to them, she was grinning ear-to-ear in anticipation. The room was full of steam.

The brunette hurriedly walked into one of the open showers, locking it behind her, and stripped off her clothes so fast it looked like she was rushing off to date and was running late but in reality, Laurel couldn't remember the last time she had a shower. Or running hot water. Or even a date.

Laurel took a pause and a deep breath before turning the faucet and letting the warm water pour down from the top of her head down the rest of her body. She closed her eyes as she gasped at the sensation. A shower had never felt this good. And at this moment, Laurel promised herself she wouldn't take simple things for granted anymore.

She tried to ignore the feeling of clumps of dirt and sweat gliding off of her skin. Laurel let the water soak her body for a minute before scrubbing herself clean with a bar of soap and her nails until her skin was no longer dirty and became soft and her brunette hair wasn't oily but silky.

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