chapter fifty-three

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chapter fifty-three | the returned

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chapter fifty-three | the returned

AFTER THE FIRST sniper shot, automatic gunfire followed. Chaos erupted and every member of the group fled for cover as the Governor and his men sent hellfire on them. Carol screamed from behind Axel, bullets hitting his lifeless body, barely missing her. The first sniper shot killed him instantly from the bullet to the head.

Cassie, Ethan, and Carl quickly hid behind bleachers, the boys trying to fire back with their pistols at the man in the tower whereas Cassie was defenseless and shook in fear as she pulled her knees to her chest on the ground. Michonne was behind the bus, shooting at the Governor who stood confidently at his truck, smirking as he shot back. 

Rick laid behind a bridge, gasping as he tried to load his auto with shaky hands, bullets flew past his head. He took a deep breath before sitting up and aiming his gun at one of the men that stood at the edge of the tree line in front of the prison. He ducked when the man began firing back. 

In the midst of it all, Hershel pulled Laurel to the ground before she could be shot. He shook her body as they laid on their stomachs, "Laurel!"He screamed, trying to shake her out of her shock and making sure neither of them would get hit by the array of bullets being shot towards them.

She turned her head towards, her head leaning against the dirt and grass beneath with her arms over her head. She opened her mouth to say something but she couldn't speak. He let go of her and started to crawl through the tall grass and motioned her to follow. 

Adrenaline kicked in as the shock began to wear off. She crawled behind him, stoping and ducking her head when someone fired at them again. She couldn't hear anything over her racing heartbeat and the endless gunfire.

She didn't have a gun or even a knife on her. The Governor still had most of her things and she hasn't bothered to take one of the many knives that laid in a box in the cafeteria. She cursed herself out loudly for being so careless.  

Suddenly, the gunfire stopped. 

Cassie was sat still behind the set of bleachers, Ethan hasn't left her side as Carl ran to the right behind a wall, reloading his pistol. The young teenager glanced at Carol, still hiding behind Axel's body, and tried to think of what to do just as Maggie ran out with Beth, both of them holding rifles for the boys. 

Beth ran to Cassie and Ethan, passing a rifle to Ethan as Maggie gave cover fire, yelling at Carol to make a run for it. Ethan grabbed Cassie's arm, pulling her to her feet, and they followed Beth to the wall with the others.

Cassie hid behind the small group, her hair wild as she breathed heavily. Ethan yelled at her to get back, making sure she was okay and that none of the Governor's men could shoot at his young sister. He couldn't see the men that were around the prison, but he felt as if he recognized some of them. 

He looked peaked around the corner of the wall slightly, the man in the tower shot back quickly, and Ethan flinched backward before he could get shot in the face. He drew in a breath, kneeling before steadying the gun in her hands. Ethan whipped around the corner, still kneeling, and aimed his weapon upwards. The guy shot above his head and before he could realize Ethan was lower, the teen took his shot. He watched blood spray before the man fell over the railing, and onto the ground. 

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