chapter forty-three

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chapter forty-three | the relieved

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chapter forty-three | the relieved

GLENN AND MAGGIE were sitting at the tables, Beth standing behind her sister as she fed the newborn. The girls' dad, Hershel, went to go find the baby's father who was still having a mental breakdown after the loss of his wife during childbirth. Daryl, Oscar, Carl, and Cassie were still deep inside the prison, searching for any sign of Laurel and Carol.

So, it was quite a surprise when the three in the cellblock were expecting their father to come in but instead were met with the very bloody face of Laurel, the woman missing since the prisoner attack a few days ago.

At first, the three didn't look up until the gate was slammed shut, something the old man does not do. The baby cried out, the loud, sharp noise of the metal echoing.

The cry, made Laurel's eyes widen. "What the fuck," she gasped in surprise at the sight of a baby.

Glenn turned around abruptly but didn't recognize her at first. For a split second, he thought he was looking at a walker who talks but no, it was just a very dirty, and very bloody Laurel Hill.

"Laurel?" Maggie gasped. She sprung up from her seat, not even thinking twice pulling Laurel into a tight embrace. Laurel wrapped her arms around her friend's torso, grateful she was back and to see them well.

Glenn stood up as Maggie pulled away and he embraced his friend as well which she welcomed warmly. "Oh my god, where have you been?" He asked, feeling his heart swell at the sight of her. They thought they lost her.

"Stuck in the damn Cafeteria. I understand how the prisoners felt now," Laurel smiled but then Beth walked up with the baby, now soothed with a bottle in her mouth. Laurel's eyes softened as her smile dropped. She looked up at Maggie, "Lori had the baby?"

Maggie didn't answer, the look in the woman's eyes, and Glenn's soft hand squeezing his girlfriend's shoulder said enough.


She put the pieces together that Lori wasn't here but the baby was. Laurel swallowed the lump in her throat, "where's Cassie? Daryl? Rick?"

"Cassie's with Daryl, Carl and Oscar too, they are looking for you and Carol... Rick, he's... having trouble right now," Maggie answered.

"Cassie's okay?" Laurel asked, tears swelling in her eyes.

"Cassie is fine," Maggie smiled, grabbing onto Laurel's hand. Laurel breathed out a huff of air with relief. Maggie looked her up and down, a chuckle leaving her lips, "let's get you cleaned up."

"But—" Laurel began to object, but Maggie stopped her as she tugged on her hand and lead her to the cells. "They will be back soon, come on," she reassured.

They entered the makeshift bathroom. It only had a few towels and a makeshift bathtub of water that was just a large container, but better than what they used to have, which was nothing.

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