(Y/N): "Uh... hi. I am (Y/N) Bahamut, the new student." I said. As I expected, they didn't react to my last name. Thankfully, only a few younger devils and others knew who my father was.

Sitri girl: "Then I guess you came here to get your class assignment. I am Sona Shitori, the Student Council president." She said, as she got closer and handed me my class assignment. "You will be placed in Class 2-B." She stated.

I nodded and then looked to my right, just to see a chessboard with the pieces ready for a game to start. I remembered my games with Dymass; I already missed him along with the other three. Sona seemed to know where I was watching and suddenly spoke up.

Sona: "I see you are watching the chessboard, perhaps, would you like to play a game?" She questioned me, with a bit of confidence in her tone.

(Y/N): "Well, if you offer me to play I can't decline." I answered calmly.

We then sat down and began playing. A girl with black long hair, hazel eyes and light blue glasses got closer to Sona and handed her a cup of tea. Sona introduced her as Tsubaki Shinra, the vice-president of the Student Council. I guessed she was her queen, and the other people were the rest of her peerage. I introduced myself and we continued playing. After a matter of seven minutes, I had the advantage. I saw Sona's face was one of confusion, as if she had never lost before.

(Y/N): "It was a fun game but... Checkmate." I said coldly.

Everyone was around us, with a face of disbelief, including Sona and Tsubaki. I got up from my seat and headed towards the door. Before leaving, I turned to Sona smiling.

(Y/N): "This was fun; we should do it again sometime." I said before going out of the room and closing the door.

As soon as I began to walk looking for Class 2-B, a brown-haired guy came running towards me. He grabbed my shoulders and told me between heavy breaths.

???: "Hide me, please." He said quickly.

I just nodded, as he ran past me and tried to hide. Then, a group of girls wearing kendo uniforms and carrying wooden swords appeared out of nowhere. They scanned the hallway, and spotted me. They got closer and started talking.

Girl 1: "Have you seen a pervert? He has brown messy hair." As soon as she said this, I noticed I had helped a pervert. However, if my uncle taught me something, was not breaking promises. I just shook my head no and turned around. They kept running looking for the guy.

He then appeared behind a door and got near me.

Boy: "Thanks man, I owe you one. If you need something just tell me." He said. "By the way, my name is Issei Hyoudou, nice to meet you." He said as he sighed in relief.

(Y/N): "I hate the fact that you are a pervert, but maybe we could be friends." I said as we shaked hands. "Could you tell me where Class 2-B is?" I asked him calmly.

Issei: "Sure. Wait... 2-B? That's my class too!" He exclaimed. He then made a sign with his hand for me to follow him.

I did so, and we started walking through some corridors. As we walked, I heard some girls talking about me walking with one member of "The Perverted Trio", whatever that was. After one minute we reached the classroom, and I was told to wait outside.

*3rd person pov.*

The teacher then proceeded to begin with the lesson, but before, she had to introduce the new student.

Teacher: "So class, before we start today, I want to introduce you your new classmate. You may come in!" She shouted.

Then, the door slide open, revealing the (H/C) haired boy. His piercing (E/C) eyes glanced at everyone quickly. (Y/N) picked up a chalk, and he quickly wrote his name on the board. He started talking afterwards.

The God of Dragons - Male Reader x Highschool DXDWhere stories live. Discover now