Chapter 34.

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Chapter 34.

*Third person POV.*

The staring contest ended when Dyvir looked away, grinning. He whispered something to Saergel, who looked at the two boys. The four of them now looked at each other. The eyes of Vali and (Y/N) both glowed blue, in a menacing way. Dyvir chuckled, as his eyes shined red.

(Y/N): "Vali. Are you ready to fight?" He asked.

Vali: "Always."

(Y/N) stood up and walked to Dyvir. The Darklord was taller than he was, so the God of Dragons was forced to look up. He looked at Dyvir for some seconds, before the black-haired man spoke up.

Dyvir: "Bahamut." He said, smirking.

(Y/N): "It's Bahamut-sama for you, Vulcanio." He said.

Dyvir: "Oh, my bad. It was disrespectful of me to not call that way the fake god." He chuckled.

(Y/N): "Fake god? Are you willing to die?" He asked.

Dyvir: "You are going to kill me? Really?" He stated.

(Y/N): "Yes. Yes, I will."

Dyvir: "You would just end up like your sister." He laughed. "Oh, by the way, how is she?"

(Y/N): "You are so fucking dead." He said.

(Y/N) delivered a strong and fast kick to Dyvir's right ribs. The man crashed with the window, which shattered into pieces. People screamed and ran away as Dyvir fell from the sky to the city. Vali looked at (Y/N), who nodded.

(Y/N): "You take her! Dyvir is mine." He stated.

Vali: "Got it." He turned to Saergel. "This isn't personal."

Vali summoned his Sacred Gear, and the two light blue energy wings opened from his back. He charged at Saergel, who was taken aback by the attack. Vali tackled her outside the window and up to the sky. He delivered a powerful hit to her face and let her fall to the ground.

However, Saergel sprouted her wings just in time and flew up to Vali. Her fists were engulfed by fire. As soon a she got close to the grey-haired boy, she punched his guts, sending him higher into the sky. Saergel shot up to the sky, leaving a trail of fire behind her. Vali did a flip in the air and started flying downwards.

Both of them clashed fists. But Saergel had a hidden ace. She opened her hand and grabbed Vali's fist. A purple magic circle glowed on her palm, and a dagger came out from it, stabbing Vali's knuckles. The descendant of Lucifer groaned and used his free hand to grab Saergel's left wrist. He applied force to it and dislocated it.

Saergel: "Fucker!" She yelled, letting go of the dagger.

Vali: "Imbecile."

Vali let go of the woman and took the dagger out. Saergel grabbed her left wrist in pain, getting distracted from the fight. Vali rushed at her again and slashed her right cheek. Saergel flitted her wings and flew upwards, but Vali was faster. He appeared over her and delivered a reverse roundhouse kick to her face.

Saergel fell down towards the ground at high speeds, and this time, she couldn't stop herself. (Y/N), still inside the restaurant saw her fall and Vali chasing after her with his fists ready to strike the enemy.

(Y/N): "My turn."

He ran towards the broken window, and jumped. He plummeted towards the ground, but before making contact with the empty street, his wings came out of his back. (Y/N) flew upwards, until he saw the red wings and the shiny red eyes. Dyvir was standing in the air, with his arms crossed.

The God of Dragons - Male Reader x Highschool DXDWhere stories live. Discover now