"Feed him first."

"Aaahh what about my hungry tummy?" Running near the little trolly, she took her up on her lap and went to the rest room.

"Stop crying naa, I'm here."

Isaa entered taking a coffee mug on his hand. He walked to the bed sitting near his wife and son. He handed the coffee mug to her and sat on the side chair.

"Would like having 10 more pairs of kids?"
Sarcastically he questioned seeing her unable to handle Mahdi. He again and again moved from her lap making her irritated.

"Very humble of you!"
Isaa moved near her legs side and started tapping them slowly. His magical massage relaxed her as she bowed her head down on the pillow while adjusting Mahdi on her stomach.

"Not again Mayrah, don't sleep. Mahdia might cry anytime soon."

"Aaaaaaaaaa! I never thought it to be this m....."

"Bhabi did Mahdi sleep?" A voice aroused from the door side as Naira asked taking their attention.

Mayrah looked down at her son's face whose eyes slightly closed as he mumbled something moving his lips continuously.

"Yeah I guess, he slept."

"Okay, Ammi said to feed Mahdia, I'll be bringing her."

Mayrah shockingly looked at Isaa who tried his best to control his voice from laughing loudly but failed.

"Just 2 hours! It's been just 2 hours."

"Awhh Mayrah hahahaha I..I'm so..sorry for you. Hahaha..."


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After 5 years.

(👀I'm always fast)

"How's she doing now?"

"Worse I guess, can you come to meet her tomorrow? It's been a week Doctor."
Isaa hummed hearing his assistant's words.

His red eyes closed up imagining her smiley face appearing next to him. But that lasted just for a few seconds as that changed to a horrible sight which made him suddenly shook off from her thoughts.

5 years passed very soon, 2 years went quite well. But these 3 years have been a very horrified nightmare which maybe has no end.

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