19: ☆ m&ms ☆

Começar do início

I sat down quickly and loaded my plate with a nice scoop of potatoes. I was craving the carb and sighed happily when I ate one. Harry came to the table a couple minutes after us, an upset look on his face.

"Unsuccessful?" Hermione asked although we knew the answer by his expression. Harry just nodded and started eating, clearly not in the mood to talk about how he had failed to retrieve the memory again.

My eyes glanced over to the Slytherin table as they did during every meal, and I was surprised to see neither Draco or Pansy looking back. Their heads were down and they were whispering rapidly to each other. They both pushed their empty plates in front of them and stood up to leave.

I got up as well, excusing myself  to everyone saying I had to use the bathroom. I could see Draco and Pansy were very set on wherever they were going, and I would figure out what.

I stayed closed behind but made sure to keep a distance, hiding in the corners right before they turned another direction. They went up multiple flights of stairs and I had a hard time staying hidden from how fast they were going and me trying to keep up. Pansy kept glancing behind her as if she sensed my lingering presence.

"Remember no longer than an hour," Draco spoke sternly, and I could barely hear him from how far he was. Their footsteps sounded like they turned the corner and I ran up the stairs almost making it, but they switched in place and moved me to a different section of the floor.

"Shit!" I said hitting the staircase as it moved me away from the answers I so desperately craved. I glumly made my way back the various floors and to the dinner hall where i'm sure everyone was almost done. One thing I knew for sure is that they both were heading to a floor above the 5th one, so something on the 6th or 7th floor was where they spent their time doing whatever Draco's mission was.

When I got back to the hall everyone began to stand up as their plates disappeared into air and to the kitchen where they'd be cleaned. I spotted Hermione with Ginny so I went to walk beside them back to the common room. Luckily they didn't ask me any questions so we proceeded to walk and talk about small things.

"How's the Burrow?" Hermione asked Ginny with a frown over her face, knowing the events that happened over winter break.

"It's alright," she shrugged, "mum keeps trying as best she can to replicate the house as it was before. For the mean time we all squeezed ourselves in Fred and George's flat above the shop."

"That's a tough squeeze," I laughed, "how did you all manage that?"

"Well it basically felt like I was 7 again and sharing a room with all my brothers. Did you know George sleep talks?"

When we got back I walked up to my room with Hermione beside me. It wasn't that late but we were both behind ready to get to sleep after a busy first day back. I was surprised though to see Parvati sitting on my bed, alone in the dorm.

"Uh hey watcha doin?" I asked uneasily. Sure we were roommates but the closest that girl and I had gotten in the last three years was our two toothbrushes next to each other in the bathroom.

Parvati looked uneasy on my bed, looking straight ahead and unmoving. She was sitting beside an open gift that lay on my bed.

"Parvati?" Hermione pushed and asked again. The girl had the most blank look on her face, and her pupils were dilated like crazy.

"She doesn't look right maybe we should do something," I said anxious, "look at her eyes they're crazy huge."

"You're right somethings wrong," Hermione said quietly and walked closer to Parvati, almost ready to jump back if she attacked her. She used her hand to poke her in the shoulder and that's when all hell broke loose.

Irresistible - f.weasleyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora