13: ☆ brothers & bff's ☆

Start from the beginning

"Hold up," I stopped him, "you think Draco poisoned them?"

"No Harry is just going off of his obsessive theory again," Hermione rolled her eyes.

"Yeah mate it doesn't make sense. How could he have poisoned Dean and somehow cursed Katie at the same time," Ron shook his head.

"Well actually," I started uneasily, "the butterbeer wasn't meant for Dean. Fred and his new hire Tara were with me and she brought me the mug with the poison."

"You reckon this girl did that to you?" Hermione said with widened eyes.

"I can't be sure but I don't think so. I mean we don't know each other why would she?"

"I still think Draco is responsible. Maybe he asked someone to help him—" Harry rambled but I interrupted.

"Wait Anastasia said this morning that Draco and Pansy were going to Hogsmead together. What if they both did this together?" I asked.

I didn't want to fuel Harry's obsession even further, but it made sense. They were always glaring at us during meals and happened to be in the same place when all this happened.

"I hate Pansy as much as you do," Hermione answered, "but she has no motive here for wanting to hurt you, much less Katie."

"Again she said that necklace was meant for Dumbledore," Harry said frustrated, "how many times do I have to say that!"

"Hey," I placed my hand on Harry's shoulder, "why don't I ask Anastasia tomorrow? She's pretty close with them and I'm sure she would know if something was up."


Over the next few days I didn't see Anastasia at all. I tried to find her in the dorms but it was like she left right before I did. She didn't attend any of the meals in the hall and was also missing from the classes we shared. I needed to find her quickly so I could ask about Draco and Pansy who were becoming more secretive than ever before.

During meal times, they had taken to sitting on the very end of the table just them two. On top of that it's not like they were coming up with this elaborate plan, in fact they hardly spoke. I had made eye contact with them during almost every meal and they would just glare at me and silently look back at their food.

Harry had started spending most of his time rambling about his Draco theory to anyone that would listen or obsessively reading his potions book.

It was Thursday night and we had just finished a rough Quidditch practice. Our first game was against the Slytherin's this Saturday and we were having a hard time playing together. All of us were skilled individually, but when placed together we didn't seem to mesh well. The beaters never had a clue of what play we were doing, and would often times get in our way.

Not to mention Aiden was getting on my last nerve. I was right about his skills being improved over the summer but his attitude was even worse. Every chance he got he would try to fly beside me and come up with this lame pickup line. I had told him over and over again to leave me alone or I'd shove my broom up his ass.

Today I was done with listening to everybody so I asked Hermione and Ginny up to our dorm room so I could calm my mind down, and maybe exercise my power. Lavender and Parvarti were both at some club meeting for plants or something which left it open for us.

This time when we practiced, Hermione would keep a book closed and decide on a page to turn to. I would have my back to her and have to reach hard to grasp onto the numbers in her mind.

It was relaxing to be able to practice this so easily compared to the previous year. I sometimes thought back to the hours I would spend in McGonagall's office, taking weeks to even properly predict simple color altering charm.

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