31: ☆ mischief managed ☆

Start from the beginning

"Well he can come to Hogsmead weekends still? And your games and holidays," she tried to cheer me up.

"Yeah yeah," I drawled and let the conversation slip away. The class came to end quite quickly and I gathered everything into my bag.

"Coming?" Hermione waited by the door.

"I'm actually going to say hi to my dad I'll meet you there," I assured and watched her walk away. I hadn't seen my dad in a couple weeks now besides the occasional wave and smile during dinner.

I went towards his office, humming a song under my breath and was surprised to see his empty classroom. The room that had once been filled with different paintings and pictures, was now bare with the cream color of the wall being the only decoration.

"Dad?" I asked trying to see if he was in his office. The door was shut, and a couple seconds laters after I called out he opened it.

"Hi sweetheart," he smiled and welcome me in.

"What's going on? Are you leaving?" I frowned seeing his empty office. All of his things had been put away and piled into his suitcase, "when were you going to tell me?"

"I was actually going to find you at dinner," he sighed and pushed his hands through his hair, "Their next target after getting rid of Dumbledore is me, and then McGonagall."

"What! Whose target?"

"The ministry's," he shrugged.

"But they can't do that!" I resisted against him, "how can you just accept it without fighting, i'm sure they don't have the power—"

"They do unfortunately," he gave a sad smile, "I don't want to end up having them use you and Ruby as leverage to get me to leave. So I will be staying at Grimmauld until further notice."

"I'm sorry," I sighed, "I've hardly been able to visit you at school this year and now I won't even be able to wave to you in the hallways."

"Don't worry honey," he chuckled and brought me into a strong embrace, "you can always send me letters and I'll respond every day I promise," he kissed my forehead. I shut my eyes, and enjoyed the moment, knowing that this would be the last time I saw him for a while.

"Don't leave without saying bye to Ruby," I pulled away and said to him sternly.

"Oh I wouldn't dream of it," he laughed, "I'll see you once the train brings you to the platform okay?" I gave a big smile and walked out of his office.

It was going to be a weird transition having my dad move out of the castle. It felt like everyone from the order was slowly leaving us. Umbridge's presence was only going stronger and the resistance we had within the school was weakening. Teachers were now leaving and the DA was forbidden to meet; even we weren't dumb enough to try to organize the group and get caught again.

I knew I had tons of studying to do for my approaching OWL's so instead of attending dinner I headed up to the common room. I felt like the past few weeks had been nonstop action and it was nice to have a moment to myself.

Don't get me wrong, although I loved being so busy and having fun with all my friends, I sometimes really need to take a break from reality to relax in my own bubble.

I was happy to find that besides one first year taking a nap on the couch opposite of the room, the common room was empty. I kick my shoes off and perch them on the stool in front of me before taking out my notes.

The exam I was most nervous for was history of magic so I need to make sure to memorize all the important dates and events within the Wizarding World.

Irresistible - f.weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now