19: ☆ first meeting ☆

Start from the beginning

"Ready? Go" Harry instructed.

"Stupefy!" I shouted, causing a red spell to shoot from my wand and hit Hermione. The placement could've been better since the spell only hit her legs. But she still knocked over and fell to the ground.

"Nice job Violet!" Harry encouraged, "who's next?" And that's how the remainder of the meeting yet. We all took turns in partners trying to stun each other, and see who could have the stronger effect. About 20 rounds of people went by until it was Hermione's turn again, and this time she was with Ron.

"Don't worry. I'll go easy on you," he assured her before they got into their proper places.

"Thanks, Ronald," she scoffed in disbelief. I stood by Ginny and the twins anticipating who would stun the other one first.

"One Sickle," George whispered over to Fred.

"You're on," Fred smiled. Bad decision on Fred because I knew Hermione could kick anyone's ass if she wanted to.

"Go," Harry called. Ron opened his mouth but Hermione chanted the spell faster than he could lift his wand.

"Stupefy!" she shouted and Ron flew back. The spell had hit him straight in the stomach and he went back several feet. I burst out laughing not being able to hold it in.

"Thank you," George smirked as Fred glumly handed him one sickle.

"Shut up." I ran over to Hermione like every other girl in the room and started congratulating her. We all giggled when recreating the face Ron made when he had gotten stunned.

"Alright guys great first meeting," Harry clapped, "I just wanted to point out that every great wizard in history has started out... as nothing more than what we are now: students. If they can do it, why not us?"

"Thank you Harry!" a chorus of voices went around the room as the meeting concluded. I specifically saw Cho smiling up at him with a flirty look on her face. I elbowed him and he clearly had noticed her look too since his cheeks were pink.

"Before you all leave, we've come up with a way to communicate our next meeting to you guys," I stood up alongside Harry and announced.

"These are fake galleons," Hermione said passing them around the room, "I put a charm on it so that when I change the meeting date and time on my own coin, it'll grow hot in your pocket and show on yours."

"Brilliant," Ron breathed out.

"Hey Hermione can I have two extra ones of those coins?" I asked. She handed them over to me and I said goodbye to everyone, setting off to find two specific people.

The first person I looked to find was Ruby. I knew she would love to join the resistance group and she could possibly spread the word to a couple more trustworthy Ravenclaws.

I went down several flights of stairs hoping to see her with her friends hanging out by the dinner hall. When she wasn't outside of it I walked down the hallway further and saw her.

"Ruby," I called spotting her pigtails leaving my dad's office.

"Violet!" she smiled and hugged me, "I miss you! I haven't seen you since Halloween," she frowned.

"I know sorry I've just been so busy," I apologized, "I'll make sure to go on the next Hogsmead trip with you and dad. But I came here to actually give you something." I handed her the galleon and she looked at it confused.

"You wanted to give me money?"

"No," I shook my head. I tugged her arm and pulled her to the corner of the corridor so we could talk more hushed, "since Umbridge isn't teaching us any magic, Harry and the rest of us started a group that would practice defensive spells."

"Wow," she awed, "that's amazing, how do I join?"

"With that coin right there," I pointed to the gold galleon in her hand, "the coin will feel hot when the next meeting is announced. In the center will be the date and the time of when we'll meet. Just go up to the 7th floor and I'll be waiting for you."

"Thank you!" she said looking at the coin still amazed, "can I bring people?"

"Try not to tell too many people but yes of course. Those that are trustworthy and eager to defend themselves should come."

"Great!" she smiled, "I'm going to be late for my study group but I'll find you at the next meeting."

"Bye," I hugged her and watched her skip away.

Alright one down, one more to go.

I was a little bit more reserved about finding this person and offering them the coin, but my instincts said I should trust them enough to help them protect themselves. I went out into the courtyard and found exactly who I was looking for. Draco and his goons were sitting on a bench outside, and right next to him was the one and only Anastasia.

"Hey Anastasia can I talk to you?" I walked up and asked boldly. Everyone turned to look at me with a face of disgust.

"Careful the stench of her dirty blood might affect your brain cells," Pansy cackled while the rest of the group laughed.

"It's important," I pushed. I watched her hesitantly look side to side and then get up and follow me away. When we had gotten to a nearby arch that
was pretty empty I started, "First off who even are you. The Anastasia I know is bold and fierce, not timid and a bully," I frowned.

"I'm not bullying anyone!" she defended.

"Well you're not doing anything to stop it either which makes you just as bad," I said, "c'mon it's me. You can tell me what's going on." She turned her face to the side not meeting my eyes.

"I've just learned a lot about my family recently...they're not good people Violet...and I need to make them happy so I stay safe."

"What do you mean stay safe are they hurting you?" I asked concerned.

"No I just-I can't talk about it," she sighed. I decided in that moment that although Anastasia might be going through a hard time, she would never go against the greater good, so I handed her the coin.

"What's this," she asked.

"Put it in your pocket," I instructed her immediately, "I know you hate Umbridge just as much as I do so we've organized a secret society."

"You're lying," she gasped, "that breaks just about every educational decree!"

"I know," I laughed, "but we have to learn how to defend ourselves somehow. The meeting time and day will burn on the coin. I'd love it if you joined us, and if not that's fine just please don't tell anyone. We're really making progress teaching underclassmen simple spells that could save them one day." I saw her take a moment but she nodded.

"I'll be there," she said in a determined voice.

"Now get back to Malfoy, I shot an ugly hex at him last time I saw him and wouldn't be surprised if he tries to sneak one on me."

"That was hilarious," she laughed, "he whined about that for the entire weekend." I smiled at her and left her to go back to Malfoy and his goons.

I didn't know the real reason she was hanging around with him, and I couldn't be mad because I didn't talk to her either about the real reason this resistance group was made.

Either way I was happy, that I was able to recruit 2 people who would now learn defensive spells and be further protected in the future for whatever was to come.

Hi everyone! Thanks again for reading and drop a vote if you like this chapter (-:

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