5: ☆ doxies ☆

Start from the beginning

"JUST CARRY THEM," screamed Mrs. Weasley which made them lose their concentration on levitating the food. I made wide eye contact with Sirius as we both ducked under the table. The stew skidded the length of the table and came to a halt just before falling over the edge. It left a long black burn on the wooden table. The bread knife also slipped off and landed point down exactly where my hand had been seconds before I moved it.


"Violet I'm so sorry are you okay?" Fred hurried over to me.

"Yes, I'm fine but that doesn't make you any less of an idiot," I said making him frown.

"Okay I deserved that but hey you're alive?" he tried to joke lightheartedly.

"I hope that you don't have that same careless attitude when taking care of my daughter," dad said narrowing his eyes. I could see Fred gulp from beside me.

"No sir of course not-," he stammered.

"Because if so we're going to have a long talk young man," dad continued. I kept my eyes going back and forth between them not wanting to get in the middle of whatever was happening. Ron was giggling across the table and I kicked him hard. I held in my giggle as I saw Ron's laughter get cut off, and his mouth now held a large O as he held his shin in pain.

"I assure you I would never carelessly watch over Violet. That was just a stupid thing for me to say," Fred apologized, "I promise, it won't happen again," he finished which seemed to temporarily satisfy dad.

"Alright dig in!" Mrs. Weasley exclaimed attempting to diffuse the tension. Everyone began to chatter amongst themselves eating the grand meal we had made.

"I think I peed my pants," Fred whispered to me.

"He's just protective like that," I laughed in response and intertwined our hands to tell him everything was fine. Once breakfast had been finished, we cleaned up the kitchen and were told to prepare ourselves for a long day of cleaning.

I put on an old muggle band shirt I had and some shorts before meeting everyone else in the drawing room like Mrs. Weasley said. My hair was strung up in a high ponytail and I hesitantly walked in the room, not knowing what to expect.

"Cover your faces and take a spray," she said to me as soon as I walked in, "It's Doxycide. I've never seen an infestation this bad." I grabbed a spray bottle and some cloth to wrap around my face. The twins soon joined me while we all stood in a room looking like we were about to take a hike through sand dunes. It was quite a comical sight actually.

"Nice shorts," Fred hummed in my ear.

"Oh these ones?" I asked innocently. He nodded still glancing down at me from behind. I undid the knot in the front, and tightened the bands even more so it could hug my butt more firmly, "thanks," I winked and turned away from him. I could feel him make a weird noise from behind me but I chose to ignore his whining and listen to Mrs. Weasley.

"Right, you lot, you need to be careful because doxies bite and their teeth are poisonous. When I say the word, start spraying them immediately." I lifted my bottle up and prepared myself for the worst. I had never seen Doxies in real life, but I heard they were the angriest bunch. As soon as the curtain was pealed back a group of fairy like creatures jumped out at us. In a moment of panic, I sprayed my bottle rapidly at anything that was moving. The Doxie that had been flying rapidly towards me and had it's fists clenched with fury, froze midair and fell to the floor. I could tell Hermione and I were not fans of this creature at our repulesed expressions, but the twins seemed to take interest in it. After spraying a Doxie, Fred held it in his hand and began inspecting it.

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