2. And So It Begins

Start from the beginning

"Hey cutie," I turned to look at Patrick.

"Where 'ave you been all day, jerk?" I laughed as I pushed him away from me.

"Places..." He smirked turning to lean against the lockers. "Mostly hiding from Carry which meant I couldn't hang with you cause I knew she would look for me there."

"Dude." I said staring at him.

"I know, I know. I just need to find her a new boy to crush over"

"Fast," I added, closing my locker.

"Hey guys!" I turned to see Pete and Mikey heading our way.

I leaned over to Patrick, "I'd say point out Pete to her but that would just be cruel." I laughed causing Patrick to bust up laugh too.

"What are you two idiots giggling about?" Pete said, stopping next to us.

"Nothing." Patrick and I said together. We looked at each other and just cracked up even more.

"Ugh," Pete groaned and turned to Mikey, "Control your best friend."

"You first," Mikey responded with a smirk.

Pete rolled his eyes, "Lets get the fuck out of here, schools been out for like 10 minutes."

"Oh that's so long" I said sarcastically as I fixed my backpack on my shoulder.

"Shut up." Pete said smiling as we started to head out of the hallway and make our way to the front of the school.

"Hey Mikey how's operation Sweet Poison going?" Patrick said over my head.

"I'm working on it." Mikey mumbled giving Patrick a glare.

"Oooooh! What's Sweet Poison?! Let me help!" I said turning to Mikey.

"You can't help cutie, it's top secret" Patrick said next to me.

"Yuup. Only us boys get to know" Pete said. I glared at Mikey who was looking everywhere but me. Looks like I've got some secrets to get out of Mikey now. Mikey keeping a secret from me is new and only a bit concerning.

"Alright," I said, shrugging and turning back around, "Keep your secrets. I'll just assume it's about your crush then." I smirked as I walked over to the cars seeing Gerard leaning on the hood of his car talking to Frank and Ray.

"Do not," Mikey rushed up behind me.

"Yeah it's actually not concerning Mikey's crush for once. Plus isn't that one called operation Heart Eyes?" Patrick said.

"Oh yeah!" Pete nearly shouted, "Fuckin forgot about that. Gotta get moving on plans for that." Mikey's face was turning red, which is ahh sweet revenge for keeping me out of the loop.

"Hey guys" Ray said, waving as we got to Gerard's car.

"Sup Toro-saurus" I smiled at him as he pulled me into a side hug laughing at my usual greeting.

"So any plans for tonight?" Pete asked the group.

Frank and Ray had a consensual nope and Gerard said sort of. But question? How do you sort of have plans? That's so weird but no one questions it. Patrick says how his only plan is to come up with a plan to get rid of his ex-girlfriend Carry. We all laughed at him but also gave sympathy cause who knew she was the obsessive type?

"Y/n and I are having our annual first week of school shit talk sleepover" Mikey said.

"We are going to roast all of you behind your backs" I added with a smirk.

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