35. Gerard pt 2

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Alright so the boys couldn't get through to Y/n. Which means we are having a meeting after school to figure shit out. Kristin is joining us this time cause she and Y/n are also close and Y/n isn't talking to her either. It overall feels like an absolute shitshow. Seriously! One of my closest friends is ignoring me and after everything we've been through it just feels so shitty.

After school we all ended up at Ray's house with snacks and an empty living room where we all piled in. Kristin and Mikey sat together on the couch. While Frank and Ray sat on the floor on the opposite side of the little coffee table. I was going to sit in the armchair but this feels like a floor kind of meeting.

"Okay so why don't you just talk to her?" Ray suggests after we all settle in.

"She's avoiding everyone. What makes you think I'll be able to get her to stay still long enough for me to talk to her?" I roll my eyes.

"Uh cause she likes you?" Frank rolled his eyes back at me as if it was obvious and threw a cookie at me.

"As a friend, yeah? But like she won't even talk to Mikey and that's her best friend!" I gestured to Mikey next to me who was just as sad as I am about Y/n not talking to us. Mikey just looked back at me like I'm an idiot. "What?"

"Dude, she has a crush on you." Mikey deadpanned.

"Uhh, what?" I blink at Mikey.

"We've been trying to tell you this for like 3 days now dude." Mikey stared at me while grabbing some oreos.

"Wait like, wait. What?" My brain just stopped understanding everything.

"Dude," Frank said, staring at me like I'm an idiot.

"No, no no no no no no. She does not have a crush on me."

"She does," Kristin piped in finally.

"If Kristin says so then you know it's true." Ray pushed me gently.

"But uhmm no? Like she definitely does not." I shake my head despite all the looks telling me I'm a dumbass. I mean... she can't have a crush on me... can she? All the flirting was just in my head right? Wait why am I doubting it now? I thought there was a connection but for like some reason I wasn't sure and now everyone is saying there was?

"Gee." Mikey looked me dead in the eye. "I yelled at her because I thought you two were dating and didn't tell me. You heard what she said when she left. She has a crush on you and wasn't going to tell you, you moron."

I sat back against the armchair and just looked at Mikey for a moment. So we were like.... On the edge of dating then. This whole goddamn time??!

"Gerard, you two literally made out at Pete's party." Kristin crossed her arms giving me a look.

"You two made out?!" Frank and Mikey yelled.

"She told you that!" My jaw dropped in shock.

"No!! OH my gosh!" Kristin squealed. "She said you two kissed but I didn't fucking believe her that it was just one! Oh my god!" She laughed.

I could feel my face go red as everyone stared at me.

"Are you fucking kidding me! And you two aren't actually dating yet?" Frank yelled, throwing his hands up hitting the chip bowl off Ray's lap.

"My chips," Ray complained quietly, sending a glare at Frank.

"Chips are shit anyway," Frank pointed at Ray. "Back to you though! Holy fuck!" Frank looked at me in disbelief.

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