“I’m scared, Zayn,” I gulped and looked over at him. He didn’t look over at me but his head reached out and squeezed mine before going back to the wheel.

“Don’t be,” He shook his head as he turned a corner. “He’s probably on drugs and it’s probably a fake gun. You have nothing to worry about. But I need to take it seriously in case it is a real gun, okay? Don’t be scared by me.”

“I won’t,” I said quietly as we entered a small town. I saw two other cop cars positioned in the street and Zayn pulled up between them.  He unbuckled his seat belt and then looked up to see a man walking around with a gun in his hand. He took his gun out and opened the car door.

“Stay safe,” He said as I ducked down. My heart was racing as I saw him standing behind his car door with his gun pointed at the man. His arms were pointed straight out and his body was behind the door to keep him as safe as possible. He didn’t seem nervous at all. His face was stern and his hands were locked in position. He was ready to fire at any second.

The man was wearing old beat up clothes and had a pistol in his left hand. He was swaying from side to side as he yelled incoherent things. He reminded me a little of my dad, but I knew it wasn’t him because he was in jail. His head was shaved but had some more hair growing out like he needed a haircut. He had a small beard that had a few gray hairs in it so it made him look older. I imagined that he smelled like beer and goosebumps started standing on arms.

“Put your weapon down!” I heard Zayn yell suddenly and I nearly jumped out of my skin. It was so sudden that I didn’t know what to do. He sounded so commanding and so fierce. “Put the gun on the ground and put your hands up!” He shouted again. His veins were protruding from his neck and his muscles were bulging. He didn’t seem scared but he was tense because of the situation.

I lowered myself down in the seat so the man wouldn’t see me and try to fire at me. My heart was racing as I looked at Zayn. His eyes were not on me but on the man who was slowly lumbering forward to the cars. With each step, more officers started yelling things and telling him to stay back of they would fire.

“This government…” He started slurring and waving the guns at the cops. More cop cars had come and they were now surrounding him. I could see people in the surrounding buildings that were ducking down to avoid the man’s gaze.

“Put the weapon down!” Another officer shouted at the man as he drunkenly walked forward.

“We will use force,” A second officer threatened.

Suddenly there was a loud bang. It was louder than anything I had ever heard. I saw the man’s hand jolt backward and at first I thought he had been hit. A small glimmer of hope ran through me when I realized this horrible confrontation could be over. But then I realized he had just shot. In my direction.

I heard a loud scream and looked over to see Zayn falling out the ground with blood on his stomach. I looked over at him in horror as I watched him fall in slow motion. His body hit the ground and I screamed bloody murder. I couldn’t take my eyes off the sight as I watched the first man I had ever loved get shot.

I undid my buckle and got out of the car as quickly as possible. More shots rang out but I didn’t care where they were going. I needed to get to Zayn.

I needed to hold him.

He couldn’t be shot. He couldn’t.

He was just fine a second ago.

Each footstep seemed to take a millennium until I reached him. His arms were resting on his stomach and tears were falling from his eyes. Blood was leaking out from under his arms and I fell to the ground. My knees were at his head as I cupped his angelic face that was covered in his wet tears.

“Zayn!” I screamed and looked him in the eyes. “Zayn, you’re fine!” Tears started falling from my eyes as I screamed at him. He had been shot in the stomach and he was losing a lot of blood. It didn’t look like he had much time to live. His eyes were squinted a little bit because of pain and a few tears were falling out. My cold hands caressed his face as I stared down at him.

I felt people rushing towards me. “Someone get a stretcher!” A man’s voice shouted from behind me. I felt arms on me but I ignored them. I was now surrounded by a bunch of people but I didn’t pay any attention to them; my focus was on Zayn.

I looked down at his stomach and saw that his shirt was soaked in his blood. I nearly cried out then but I kept it back. “Zayn…” I said and caressed his face gently. He mouthed something but I couldn’t hear it over the other people shouting stuff.

“Miss!” Someone yelled at me but I kept my arms on Zayn. The only thing I could see was Zayn’s eyes looking into mine. His fingers were twitching as he looked up at me. He was silent as I screamed at him.

I felt a heavier force start pulling me backwards away from Zayn. A stretched blocked my view and they lowered it.

“Zayn!” I screamed. They lifted his bloody body onto the stretcher and started wheeling him away to the ambulance. I tried to pull away from the arms that were holding me back, but they didn’t budge. His eyes found mine and then I nearly collapsed. My throat felt like it was going to close from screaming so much.

“I love you! Zayn, I love you.” I yelled as they started dragging me off. My eyes focused on Zayn as they quickly put him into the ambulance. The medics quickly jumped in and the ambulance drove off. He was gone. Zayn was gone and I had no idea if he would survive or not.

I was sat down in a police car and a blanket was wrapped around me. The car was placed directly in front of the center of town, where the man had been standing with his gun. In the distance I could see the body with blood pooling out around him. He had been shot dead. 

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