Chapter 55

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She's a very kinky girl,The kind you don't take home to mother

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She's a very kinky girl,
The kind you don't take home to mother

She's a very special girl,
From her head down to her toenails


Rolling over in bed I take a deep breath, taking in and inhaling the sweet comforting smell of that strong cologne that had rubbed off on my skin.

My leg slings over his lap, my arm rest against his bare chest, and my face digs into the crook of his neck, sighing out in relief when I find myself comfortable in his calm embrace.

His large hands rub up and down against my arm, circling his finger tips around in patterns gently, while my other hand tangles in the back of his long hair.

I think he finally admitted he liked the length of it, so it's safe to say it's not going anywhere soon. He knows I love it, and i'm glad he does now too.

We've been laying here for a few minutes now. We haven't said a word but it's comforting just feeling his soft touch, mumbling under his breath as he shuffles around and gets comfortable, while we both close our eyes and relax.

I wouldn't change a thing.

These past few days have been surprisingly amazing. Sure the days leading up to it felt like hell, but right now I feel like we can only go up from here, and that's exactly what we seem to be doing.

After Harry and I came back home last night we just laid in bed and talked. It was all complete nonsense, and to be completely honest I can't remember much of the conversation because I was so tired, but I know it was a good one.

We talked about our relationship, the one I wasn't quite sure we had, but the minute he called me his girlfriend and my jaw dropped he started explaining.

I know it's not much of a difference seeing as we do everything together. We live together right now, we go on dates now, we kiss and have sex now, and we even call each other gross pet names like a couple would now.

I guess maybe I always considered Harry a boyfriend, but I was just waiting for the clarification, and the minute I got it I felt much more happy than I thought I would.

Only because I thought it would be less shocking, I was expecting him to maybe ask me, but the way it just slipped from his lips like nothing kind of proved to me we have always been on the same page.

He even told me he didn't realize he had called me it, said it only seemed natural, and wasn't sure what else to call me.

Which is true, because what else would we be considered? Other than two people who love each other and are also in desperate need of therapy.

We're self aware, I guess you could call that progress.

Now that Harry and I are boyfriend and girlfriend I found myself coming up with different thoughts and ideas in my head about activities we could do for the holidays.

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