Chapter 7

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I feel his arm wrap around my waist as he pulls my back closer to his bare chest. His fingers gently combing through my tangled hair, while his other hand rubs against my own.

"Fuck we fell asleep" Harry mumbles in a deep groggy morning voice.

He slowly pulls away from me, causing the bed to shuffle as he sits up and rests his back against his headboard, that creaks against the wall.

"What time is it?" I ask quietly, as I rolled over facing him, widening my eyes when I see the large butterfly tattoo on his chest.

Two nights ago I met him, and he told me i'd never want to see him shirtless because of it. But here I am two days later waking up in his bed staring at the pretty tattoo.

Who would've thought.

Harry leans over, grabbing his phone from the side table next to him, and unplugs it from the charger it was connected to.

"It's ten" it's all he says, making me jump in bed in a panic.

My heart starts to race and my mind feels foggy but full at the same time. Almost like it was seconds away from exploding into millions of pieces.

"I had to be home by nine that's when my father gets up!" I yell as I rub my eyes quickly, pulling the sheets off of my hips in a hurry, but stop when I get interrupted by a loud voice.

"What the hell is she doing in your bed?" Caleb yells from the doorway, peaking inside with his backpack over his shoulder.

Here we fucking go.

"She got sick last night so she couldn't drive home. Don't you have to be at school or something right now?" Harry asks, placing his phone back down on the wooden table.

Pulling myself out of bed, I try to stand up, but Harry quickly grabs onto my thigh and pulls me back down onto the bed.

His eyes glance up and down my body, and his finger discreetly points to my lingerie that peaks out underneath his shirt I had worn to bed, when I look down at his hand.

I completely forgot Harry had me change into something more comfortable last night. The last thing I want to do is flash his little brother.

"She got sick? So you're shirtless and shes wearing your t-shirt because she got sick? What happened exactly?" Caleb crosses his arms and leans against the doorway, not believing the story whatsoever, which neither would I to be honest.

We're both half naked in bed, what else would it look like?

"I threw up" I blurt out, turning towards Harry whose trying not to smile.

Caleb laughs at my excuse, "you know I saw this thing online where you can turn your gag reflex off. You like flick yourself a couple times and pinch your hand and then boom you're good. You'll get better at it though trust me babe" he winks at me.

Would it be rude if I like hit his brother or something? I wouldn't do it hard, maybe just like a little friendly high five to his face.

"Caleb go downstairs" Harry demands, sounding annoyed as he sits there with his arms crossed, and back pressed against the headboard.

"Okay fine i'll go downstairs but no more going down for you Miss Ariana. Puking isn't really a turn on." Caleb points at me with handguns, as he walks backwards slowly.

"Shut up and get ready for school ass hat. I'll be in the car in thirty minutes" Harry rolls his eyes.

After Caleb walks back downstairs, I stand up from the bed, and walk to the sedge where I had left my clothes last night when I got dressed, but crease my brows in confusion when I see they aren't there anymore.

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