Chapter 73

354 19 11

January 2, 2020

She's a stone cold straight-faced killer and a lover
And she won't put up with another brood who only
wants to bruise her

Take her love and then abuse her
She won't take no more, won't take no more
Won't take no more, won't take no more
Oh no ain't it a drag

If you take a swing, she swing back
She say, I'm not your punchin' bag


Slamming my fist into the palm of Ashton's hands, he looks at me like I'm insane as I completely let myself go and smash my hands back and forth into them relentlessly like his palms have a picture of my father on one and a picture of Marco on the other.

His body jerks back slightly with each intense punch, until I slam my hand into his again, but this time he folds his fingers over and grips onto my hand before dropping it down to my side.

"What's your problem?" I ask defensively, pulling my hand out of his roughly, as I bend down to grab my water and glance back up at him with an aggravated expression.

Ashton folds his arms over his chest, and tilts his head to the side, while his eyebrows jump up after hearing the tone in my voice.

I shake my head slightly in his direction, urging him to say what he needs to say while I take a long drink from the water I'm gripping tightly in my hands.

"My problem? What's yours? You almost punched a goddamn hole in my hand" he huffs out in a laugh, rubbing the palm of his hand with his fingers, while he looks at me with a concerned look on his face.

Okay maybe I'm a tad bit moody, but he should be glad I almost put a hole in his hand. The entire point of these stupid classes are so I can learn how to defend myself.

Now that I know how to defend myself it's an issue? Sheesh..and men have the nerve to say women are confusing

"I don't have a problem" I state in defense, pulling the white bandages off of my knuckles as I sit down onto the grass.

Ashton walks over and sits down next to me, pulling on the velcro of his gloves until he takes them off of his hands completely.

He looks over at me without saying anything, staring at my face like he's never seen me before.

"Can I help you?" I ask slowly, looking back at him with my brows creased and my forehead wrinkled in confusion.

He snaps out of his daze, stuttering out 'uh' before he finally speaks, "oatmeal raisin cookie?" he pulls a small baggy out from his coat pocket, handing me a cookie with a wide exaggerated smile on his face.

"Who the hell keeps a-" I pause when I see his smile begin to fade, "never mind, thanks Ash" I smile softly at him before taking the wrapped cookie from his hands.

He nods his head, pulling out an entire box from the inside of his coat, while I look over at him with a shocked and confused expression, in which he just shakes his head defensively and looks back down to his hands.

You know what, I don't have enough energy to question it.

"So anyway," he drags out, pulling on the plastic wrapper until his cookie comes flying out into his hands, "what's wrong with you?" he asks, glancing over at me.

"It's nothing" I shake my head, taking a bite from the snack before glancing down and away from him to avoid any more of his interrogation I'm already sure he won't give up on.

You're So Golden |H.S|Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat