Chapter 74

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Shut up
Don't wanna hear it, now, I'm fed up
Wish I could say it was enough
To make me walk away

And I'm messed up
'Cause every time I start to get up
And now my head feels fucked up
And I know it won't change


Harry and I are fighting and Rita is about to be here in less than twenty minutes so this meal preparation is far from a good time.

I'm not sure what word you would use to describe the tension in this room because awkward doesn't seem to be even a bit close.

After Ashton had dropped me off yesterday I asked Harry if we could talk about a few things but he was already grumpy before we started talking about my concerns.

He told me it was because he was tired due to the fact he came home so late, so when he used that excuse I added to his statement by telling him I knew where he was.

He completely disregarded my feelings and concerns and got all worked up over Ashton speaking to me about his work and his business behind his back. I can understand why he got so upset but it did hurt my feelings when he completely ignored me as well.

I even supported him by saying he could do what he felt like he needed to do, but I would've appreciated it if he would've just keep me in the loop and let me know what was going on that way I knew if he was being safe or not.

I'm not asking for much and the girl I was months ago would probably tell myself that I'm overreacting but now that I know that he could be in danger, of course, I feel the right to know what's going on with him and his work.

I don't need to know every single detail about what he does or who he speaks to, but Harry not telling me why he won't be home until four o'clock in the morning doesn't sit well with me.

What if he never came home last night? I'd have no idea where he was.

So long story short, we yelled at each other, I went to bed when things got heated, and then Harry never came back up to bed so when I woke up this morning I found him asleep on the living room couch.

We haven't talked other than a few words that were exchanged about dinner plans, but now that Rita is coming over I have to put a fake smile on my face so she doesn't turn her birthday meal into a therapy session.

For once, as of right this second, I want nothing therapy related going on in this household until this argument blows over.

Setting the few dishes down onto the table, I walk over to the cabinets to grab glasses for wine, but Harry stands in my way, blocking me from getting to them.

"I need to grab glasses from in there please" I point up to the cabinet, holding the bottle of wine in my hand so he sees why.

He clenches his jaw slightly before relaxing it a few seconds later, drops his arms down which were folded over his chest, and he slides over just a few inches away from where he was standing before without saying a word.

He could at least pretend he's in a good mood. I mean damn if he bites down any harder he's going to lose a tooth.

Stepping up on my toes, I drag my hand to the back of the shelf trying to reach around for the glasses, but can't seem to reach them due to how high up it is.

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