Chapter 53

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"Secrets I have held in my heartAre harder to hide than I thoughtMaybe I just wanna be yoursI wanna be yours, I wanna be yours"

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"Secrets I have held in my heart
Are harder to hide than I thought
Maybe I just wanna be yours
I wanna be yours, I wanna be yours"


I'm on my knees right now.

Not really sure how I got here, not really sure what led us to this point, but here I am on my knees, while Harry towers over me like he always does.

I kind of sound like one of those shitty monologues to an episode of some random sitcom. You know that ones that start with, 'hey i'm Ariana, and i'm sure you're wondering how I get here, well this is my story.'

And to be completely honest, I get it now. I get why they start that way because now i'm living my own show, most likely rated r, that doesn't seem to be a sitcom, but maybe a thriller instead.

What genre would you consider this hot mess of a life? Maybe just call it fun? Which is a little concerning considering how I know Harry in the first place.

True love at it's finest.

Almost like a modern day Rome Juliet, minus the dying, and every other aspect of their relationship other than the hatred Harry feels for my father.

So I guess we're not like them at all, we're just kind of us. Which surprisingly seems to be maybe even a little scarier than their love story.

We'll just call it a psychological mystery thriller that would probably be rated a thirty percent or lower on one of those rating websites, and call it a day.

Anyways, Ashton left maybe thirty minutes ago. I've already seen a bit of a difference in Harry, and while the conversation did overwhelm him, he obviously didn't let that stop him from getting excited.

And i'm talking realllyyy excited.

After he had left we came back upstairs. I was just going to get dressed and climb back into bed, but that's not what Harry was expecting from me.

Instead he spun me around, slammed me against the door, locked it quickly as he held me in place against his chest and the door, and then nicely asked me to get on my knees.

So, now i'm on my knees.

Not really sure where this is going, even though there's only a few possibilities, but I like to play dumb because if I don't i'll panic, overthink, and then end up playing patty cake with his little friend because i'll get too anxious.

I wish I was kidding, but I wouldn't put it past myself. It's so intimidating being below him, and whenever he looks down at me I just wanna crawl away.

But then i'll make a fool out of myself, cry about it later, and the whine when he mocks me after for an entire week.

I wonder what he'd do if I got up and just ran? I wonder if he'd chase me.

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