Chapter 3

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WARNING: This chapter contains domestic abuse

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WARNING: This chapter contains
domestic abuse.


"Ariana do you have any idea how much trouble you're in. What the hell were you thinking? Drugs? Really? I raised you better than that" he screams, pushing his way through the bathroom door.

"It's just weed. You're acting like i'm addicted to heroine!" I yell back, feeling frustrated and just trying to get my own space so I could cool off.

Whenever we get into arguments I try to walk away, because I know what they can lead to, but he never let's me. He keeps pushing and pushing until we both snap.

I can physically see how angry he is, his entire face is red and the vein in his forehead is literally about to burst.

But my dumbass is trying not to laugh because my stupid anxiety is telling me to. I can't help it though, I hate serious conversations. For example, when my dad told me my mom ran away I laughed. I loved my mom I was just in shock and had and still no idea know how to cope. So I just make jokes about it.

You know what they say, laughter is the best medicine.

"That's not the point Ariana. I am running a goddamn business. You brought an illegal substance into my work place in front of my staff. Do you have any idea how humiliating that is? Are you addicted? Do you need rehab? Is it because of those idiotic alcoholics you hang out with?" he rambles on, pretending to care about my well being, when it's very obvious he doesn't.

The only reason he's acting this way is because it's his business, if I was shooting something up in my arm right now he wouldn't bat an eye.

"Okay look, I apologize for bringing it into work. That was irresponsible. But first of all, I will not apologize for hanging out with my friends. . Second, I am an adult and can do whatever the hell I want. Finally third, no I don't need rehab, what the hell is wrong with you?" I snap, saying everything i'm feeling, but completely regret it when I see the way he's looking at me.

"Who the hell do you think you're talking to Ariana?" He screams, squeezing his jaw so tight I wouldn't be surprised if his front teeth completely shattered.

He slowly walks towards me, and my heart race increases. I start backing up until my body hits the bathroom door, causing chills run down my spine as his face sits a few inches from mine.

I gasp when he reaches down in between us, grabs onto my wrists with force, and pulls me to his chest. Squeezing them together tightly in his grip, he starts shouting at me, so close I could feel his hot breath hit my cheek.

"I have done everything for you, you selfish little bitch! You're just like your mother you know that? Always getting high, taking my money, hanging out with those low life freaks! I've given you everything Ariana! What more do you fucking want from me?" he spits, making me jump from his loud tone, while my eyes start to water.

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