Chapter 88

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I swam across
I jumped across for you
Oh, what a thing to do
'Cause you were all yellow

I drew a line
I drew a line for you
Oh, what a thing to do
And it was all yellow

And your skin
Oh, yeah, your skin and bones
Turn into something beautiful

And you know
For you, I'd bleed myself dry


February 1, 2020

Red and blue flashing lights, loud sirens ringing, and broken screams coming from Ashton, blood covered his body, pouring down his skin along with the many tears he was crying.

I couldn't cry.

I was in complete shock until I tried looking down over my body, but I was shocked to see the red stains smeared over my skin, as blood continued gushing out of my open cuts that had been rubbed in with the gravel I had driven on, which felt just as bad if not worse as alcohol being rubbed into a patch of raw skin.

I thought I was fine.

I felt fine.

But the minute I looked down and saw the damage the crash had caused me, all the numb pain had hit me at one time, and I felt like I was dying.

My heart raced the fastest it ever had before, and my tears burned my skin, but it came to a point where I had no clue if I was crying or if I was bleeding from the top of my head, but either way, I couldn't feel my cheeks from the intense sting the liquid that seeped into my skin caused me.

Everyone kept pushing me back down when I tried to move, but the minute I saw a small gap in between two of the EMT's heads, I tried rolling over on my side.

When I saw people gathered around the car, I forced myself to roll over to see if he was alright, but when I looked over there was too much blood covering the cement, so I had to pinch my eyes shut and look away.

I was afraid.

I was crying.

I was screaming.

Begging out his name in tired helpless cries even though I couldn't hear my own voice, I was asking the people around me if he was okay, but they all just shushed me like a crying child, ignoring my question as they made it impossible for me to see him by blocking me from viewing the car.

I couldn't breathe.

My chest felt tight and my ears were ringing so loud, I saw everyone moving their lips, but had no clue as to what they were saying, because of the hearing loss I experienced.

That was until I heard him scream my name.

The sounds of the ringing sirens mixed with my own cries and Ashton's screams all came back at once the minute I heard his voice.

I sat up from the ground and almost passed out as I felt my own blood drip down past my eyes as I moved in a hurry, but when I finally saw him, he was being dragged out of the car which was flipped onto its side.

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