Chapter 19

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Rolling over in bed I wrapped my leg around his and placed my arm over his chest. 

"Morning sunshine" he whispered in his groggy morning voice as he pulled me on top of him and wrapped his long arms around me. 

I smiled as he pressed a kiss to the top of my head and drew patterns and circles on my back with the tip of his finger. 

"When'd you get back last night?" I whispered into his chest, traveled my hands up into his hair, and twisted tiny strands of his curls around my finger. 

After the argument we had last night I stormed downstairs with Caleb and completely ignored the boys until they left. I wanted to tear my hair out because the entire time Caleb asked me what I was talking to Harry about in the bathroom. He obviously knew so asking and answering his question was kind of pointless.

I came into Harry's room last night after Caleb fell asleep and before Harry had gotten home. I was originally going to sleep on the couch but he passed out so I figured i'd just come in here instead of waking him up and asking him to go to his room.

Now we're here lying in bed acting all sweet and cuddly like we didn't get into a fight the last time we saw each other but I like this. I like the comfort I feel when i'm wrapped in his arms it feels safe.

I now know I was wrong for what I said. It  was completely unnecessary and I can imagine hurtful. If he has feelings for me I shouldn't shut him down and accuse him of lying or using me. 

I just got scared.

"A little bit after one. I didn't expect you to be in here though. It was a nice little surprise." Harry laughed as he stopped rubbing my back and started playing with my hair. 

Lifting my head up I placed my arm on Harry's chest, rested my head on my hand, and looked up at him "I'm sorry for acting the way I did."

Harry shook his head and furrowed his eyebrows as he tucked my hair behind my ear. "No don't be. I shouldn't have lashed out on you like that I just have a hard time expressing how I feel I guess" he rubbed my cheek and softly smiled at me "I just hope that you know I truly do care about you deeply Ariana. I didn't mean to complicate things I just have a hard time not acting like a fool around you and what I said about Ash was wrong. I hated the way he talked about you but I panicked and I fucked up and i'm sorry. I shouldn't have just walked in and kissed you when I knew they were downstairs but I guess I just got jealous." he rambled on as he stared up at the ceiling.

I knew Harry was jealous I just didn't expect him to rush in and kiss me to make sure he could still have me if he wanted. 

I just met Ashton and I hope he realizes I would never try to engage in his behavior if I just hooked up with him the night before. Hell I wouldn't engage in it if we hadn't hooked up. 

Ashton's not my type.

"Look we both messed up and we both suck when it comes to communication and getting along but we'll just work on it. We're kind of stuck with each other now so you're gonna have to get use to my brattiness and i'm gonna have to get use to your arrogance."

"You think i'm ar-" he paused and lifted his pointer finger up in the air as he slowly pointed to me "you're right we just have to get use to each other" he laughed under his breath.

Closing my eyes I laughed and had laid my head back down onto him and found myself matching our breathing patterns as his chest raised and fell back down underneath of me. 

Maybe i'm getting my hopes up and maybe we're playing pretend right now when later things could go to shit again but why waste a perfect moment like this? Why would we continue acknowledging what happened last night when we can be wrapped up in eachothers warm embrace instead?

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