Chapter 51

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Now I know what you see

When you look at me

I will always be a liar


This is probably a bad idea.

This is probably a reallllyyy bad idea, and i'm not sure if Harry is going to be mad, but I just have to get a few things off of my chest.

He never told me not to say anything, and I can easily talk about this without being the one to bring her up first.

I think I know what i'm doing.

Walking up the pathway of his driveway, I go up to the large door, and nervously but roughly bang my hand down against it at least ten times.

I was planning on just hearing him out, staying completely calm, trying my best to play peacemaker; but I don't think peacemakers cry on their way to wherever it is they're going because they're so angry.

This isn't my business, and I know it was forever ago, but that doesn't excuse the way he treats me in front of Harry, knowing what he had done to him in the past.

He's practically rubbing it in his face, and Harry has never once said anything, all because he doesn't want to argue or speak about it.

How is it fair Ashton is the one acting petty when he caused this? Harry has done nothing wrong.

Just as the wind picks up, small drops of rain fall to my head, the front door swings open and Ashton looks at me with tired eyes and messy hair.

Which is understandable, seeing as it's in the middle of the night.

"Ariana? What's wrong? Are you okay?" he asks in a panic, his tone sounding worried and harsh as he looks down at me, gesturing for me to walk in.

Shaking my head, I cross my arms over my chest, rubbing my hands up and down my arms as I hug myself tightly.

I practiced everything I wanted to say in the car. I had an entire script, new exactly what it was I wanted, but now that i'm here and standing in front of him I can't say a word.

Everything just goes blank.

"Babe, come inside its raining" he whispers, reaching out to grab onto my hand, but I pull my arm back in a hurry, looking down at the ground, trying to think clearly about everything I was desperately wanting to say.

Babe. If only he knew why I was here I doubt he'd be calling me that right now.

"Ariana-" he says, knocking me out of my thoughts.

"How could you do that to him? How could you hurt him after being fully aware of every single thing he has gone through?" I scream out, not worried about the rain or the neighbors that may hear me, I just need to say exactly how I feel.

Ashton leans forward, looking out and around the neighborhood as I raise my voice at him, rubbing at his temples with a stressed look on his face, "let's not do this right no-"

Ashton leans forward, looking out and around the neighborhood as I raise my voice at him, rubbing at his temples with a stressed look on his face, "let's not do this right no-"

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