Chapter 46

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It's been a week since Harry and I talked that night at the park, and things seem to be much better than they were before.

I wish I could say Harry is healed after opening up to me but that's far from the truth.

The amount of pain and trauma he's gone through won't heal overnight, but i'm more than willing to stand by his side as long as it takes.

That night Harry completely broke down, it's like he finally let out every emotion and feeling he felt that night, and set them free. Which I can imagine would be both painful but relieving at the same time.

I just don't want to see him in pain any longer.

We ended up laying in the grass, looking up at the midnight sky, until Ashton came over and checked on us an hour later.

Harry said he felt better after getting it all off of his chest, but I could sense the guilt he had felt speaking to me about it instead of someone else.

I rather he talk to me about it though, that's something only we would understand.

I knew Harry had to have felt similar to the way he was acting that night but I was scared he was never going to open up to me about it all. I was worried he never would speak about it, but now that he's sober everything he had hidden away in the dark place he created in his head, is finally coming to the light.

He didn't just bury himself down there, he buried everything he's ever known.

After we got back home that night I held him until he fell asleep in my arms.

I made him promise to me he would never leave again without telling me, so he took my hand and locked our pinky fingers together to prove to me he wouldn't. Kissing both ends of our hands, I wiped away the rest of his tears, as we tangled up in each others arms.

We both fell asleep shortly after, waking up the next morning in the same exact position as we fell asleep in. His head on my chest, my legs hanging over his, while my fingers wandered around in his brown curls as his arms wrapped around my waist.

The few times I had to go into work last week, Harry came with me. Instead of sitting out in the parking lot like he normally does, he stayed inside and sat at a booth.

At one point he even came in the back, put on some gloves, and helped with the dishes.

Obviously he couldn't just do the dishes like a normal human being, so he sprayed the sink water all over the floor while I was helping a customer, so when I came back into the kitchen I slipped and fell on my ass.

He claimed he didn't laugh but i'm almost positive I heard a tiny high pitched sound slip from his lips.

I called it a squeal, but he immediately got defensive and called it an 'awkward sneeze'

We both know it wasn't a sneeze.

Now we're laying in bed, Harry painting my nails, while he thinks of which color he wants me to paint his nails.

It's something we seem to both enjoy, and we always end up talking about things we probably should know about each other but don't.

Nothing too important just weird questions we don't know yet. So now we're asking each other about about our firsts while we sit cross legged on the bed, my hand in his as he paints the polish onto each of my nails.

We've already talked about our first movies, fights, and other cool yet childish things, until Harry started asking about other things that seem to have deeper meanings.

"First time drinking?" Harry asks, dragging the white brush against the nail of my index finger gently.

I smile, looking up at him as he stares at my hand intently with concentration, "it was awful," I laugh as the memories play as a montage in my head.

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