Chapter 78

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I don't want to fight you
And I don't wanna sleep in the dirt

We'll get the drinks in
So I'll get to thinking of her

We'll be a fine line
We'll be a fine line


Harry's POV

Resting my hand in hers, she gently drags the brush against my nail, mumbling the words of the song that plays from my record player as she covers the bland nail with a beautiful yellow that matches hers.

After arguing back and forth with Caleb about mom, told Ariana the truth and informed her I was talking to my mom that day in my office and she was the reason my phone was off today, I finally sat down and agreed to take Caleb to her birthday party.

I'm trying my hardest to protect him, and I tried telling him she's not the person he thinks she is, but he wasn't giving up and I don't want him to resent me for keeping him away from her. So I'm putting a smile on my face and I'm going this one time just for him.

If it goes south I'm never speaking to her again. I should've changed Caleb's number the minute she first called me and I should've told Ariana what was going on, but I guess hearing from her just put me in shock.

Ariana was understanding though. She's even helping me get ready and I'm already dreading my decision.

I thought about taking off my jewelry, keeping my nails bland, and even thought about going to get a haircut beforehand, but when Ariana asked me if she wanted to do our nails together like we usually do, there was no way I could say no to her.

She doesn't know I was thinking that way, but with how gentle she's being, and her small supportive encouraging words she keeps speaking softly in my ear, I'm guessing she has an idea.

She's never pressuring me though. I could've easily said no to her and I know she wouldn't have pushed it. She's just doing what she does best by simply being herself. That's enough for me to want to be myself as well. Even if my mother doesn't like me for it.

Ariana, Ashton, and Caleb like me for me and that's all that matters. She's not in my life enough to give an opinion on me. Lord knows I have my own opinions about her. Unlike my mom though, I keep my mouth shut.

My family's all I need. I don't need my mom...if anything she needs me.

Looking down I watch her gorgeous tempting eyes dart back and forth from my hand to my face as she checks my expression, triggering me to laugh when she pokes her free hand at the side of my hip when I get quiet.

I'm not okay. I feel far from fine, but she's making the pain hurt much less. I'm not quite sure how she does it, but the second I feel her soft hands against my skin it almost feels like the worry washes away.

Months ago I would rely on drugs to distract me and ease away the pain. Now all I need is to hear her tell me how much she loves me and then it vanishes.

The outcomes of both are however different. Drugs make you feel good but that feeling only ever temporary. But listening and feeling Ariana's sweet touch and comfort, that feeling never seems to fade away.

You're So Golden |H.S|जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें