Chapter 12

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Harry's POV

The look she had on her face kept replaying over and over again whenever I closed my eyes. She looked so scared, exhausted, confused. I didn't want that for her. I miss seeing her happy and smiling like she was not that long ago. 

I never wanted to hurt her. I was trying so hard to keep her safe but I ended up doing the one thing I was afraid of. I broke her.

She seemed so upset with me. She was trying to hide it but I could tell how terrified she was. I don't know exactly what happened but all I know is it obviously didn't end well. 

I understand and I don't blame her at all. I scared her and I panicked but I just wanted to keep her here with me. I know she's safe here with me. I can't trust anyone else with her. They'll take advantage of her. She's too kind for this world.

Sliding the yellow rubber gloves onto my hands I fell to my hands and knees and started scrubbing the floor with the wet cloth from the tiny bucket next to me. 

Maybe after I explain everything to her she'll completely understand and want to stay with me where she'll be safe. Or she'll be angry tell me to go to hell and stab a hole in all four of my tires. 

Both options are completely understandable i'm just hoping maybe the first one will be the final outcome.

Maybe I should have never talked to her but I just couldn't stay away from her. I'm not gonna sit back and watch an innocent girls life fall apart. Especially with a heart like hers. She deserves more that that. She deserves to know what love and happiness really looks like. The kind of love when you want to know how to treat her anxiety and comfort her not cause it.

She needs to know the truth. She's going to find out eventually anyways. I think sooner is better than later. They already know she's here. 

 "Fuck!" I yelled out as I looked to my white shirt which is now stained in blood. 

Great job Harry wash blood off of the floor while wearing a white shirt nothing can go wrong there. Not like bloods red or anything.


I stood from the ground as my phone started to ring. I rushed over in case it was Ariana but was surprised to see Ashton's name flash on my screen. 

"Hello?" I whispered. 

"Styles? What's going on little brother?" Ashton laughed. 

Ashton Foley, my best friend since grade three. 

It all started on Halloween night. I somehow ended up in his basement after his parents neighborhood Halloween party. I was playing with legos while he played around with first girlfriend. 


"Nothing much just doing some deep cleaning. Where have you been? How are you?" 

"I'm actually coming your way. Going back to the old house."

Coming my way? He's been gone for months why would he ever want to come back? Especially after what we did. I never even thought he'd even think of coming back. 

"What why? what happened with you and Shelby?"

"She dumped my ass. I guess she found a napkin in the passenger seat. Freaked out and claimed I was cheating on her." Ashton laughed as he spoke.

I'm not surprised. Ashton and I use to work together all the time and Shelby assumed we were hooking up even though Ashton is one hundred percent straight. She also hated when he visited his mother. She hated the idea of not being his 'favorite woman'. 

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