Chapter 65

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I don't want a lot for Christmas
There is just one thing I need

I don't care about the presents
Underneath the Christmas tree
I just want you for my own
More than you could ever know

Make my wish come true oh
All I want for Christmas is you


Marco has texted me a few other times since the other night but I haven't responded.

I'm not sure if i'm doing the right thing by keeping it from Harry and Ashton, but I know if I don't keep it from then they'll either do something they will regret, or Marco will do something he probably won't regret.

That's a risk i'm not really comfortable taking.

I've been trying my hardest to act as normal as one could act in a situation like this, but every single time my phone goes off I immediately have a panic attack.

He's the only other person other than Harry, Rita, and Ash who has my number, so whenever I get a text and get all puzzled, Harry starts asking me a bunch of frantic questions.

I always tell him it's something about work, and I hate that i'm lying to him especially after he finally opened up to me, but at this point in time I genuinely believe i'm doing the right thing by protecting him.

From what Harry and Ashton have both told me, Marco seems capable of plenty of bad things, and after he threatened Ashton like it meant nothing to him, I really don't feel comfortable testing him.

So if he wants to continue harassing and scaring me for his pleasure, i'll do what he wants and hide it from Harry if that means i'm protecting them.

I just hope if he finds out about it one day he'll understand.

Other than that nonsense, Harry has calmed down a bit since we had the conversation we had that night. He knows now that acting out of anger will only make it worse for us in the long run.

He's pissed and he's frustrated that there's not much he can do right now until they figure out why he's around, but now they're just looking after me much more than they were before.

Which I thought was impossible seeing as they never let me out of their sight when we go out, but now they won't even let me out of their sight when we're just at home.

It's exhausting i'm not going to lie, but I know it's necessary right now.

If i'm not with Harry or Caleb, Ashton's picking me up for an extra day of self defense, and if that's not an option then Harry works from home and takes calls over the phone.

I was a little interested the first day he had stayed home, so when I overheard some of the conversation they were having I instantly regretted my decision in listening in on him.

He seems like a great therapist don't get me wrong, but I just struggle with accepting the fact he's in such a dangerous situation.

I mean for fucks sake look at how many people get arrested for just knowing a bit of information they withhold. He can't think that way though, this is all he seems to know.

He was just casually sitting in the kitchen, feet propped up on the table while he was leaned back in the chair, writing in his notes while he wore his reading glasses and asked graphic details about the incident that took place.

He didn't know I could hear, and i'm sure if he did he wouldn't have had the conversation in that room, but overall it was just crazy to hear.

I have plenty of mixed emotions when it comes to what Harry does for a living. I'm just not sure what's the most concerning. Is it me understanding or me struggling with accepting the danger he's in?

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