Chapter 76

345 17 45

Put it in drive,
I'll be outside,

I'll be on the way
I'll be on the way



"Ella I'm not doing that"

"Come on!"

"No Ella."

"Please it's just a hypothetical scenario!"

"I said no Eleanor for fucks sake!" Ashton smacks his hand down against the wheel, shooting her a nasty glare through the rearview mirror, before glancing back over at the busy road.

Rubbing at my temples, trying to wipe away the migraine I now have from the constant bickering back and forth, I rest my head against the window and watch the cars pass by.

"Alright I'm sick and tired of you two asswipes using that against me!" she places her hands on both of our headrests, and leans up in the seat so her head is next to ours, "not you Ariana, your bitch boyfriend."

I look over at her and smile, nodding my head as I let her rant about her first name, even though we've almost gotten into a car accident five times already over this argument they've been having for an hour now.

I'm not even completely sure how it started. I think I fell asleep, but by the time I woke up from my nap they were still going at it, and now she's mad at Harry as well, so I'm left to take the heat on his behalf.

Which he probably wouldn't be too thrilled about because I've already agreed with Ella on a few things she's said. Nothing too extreme I just nodded my head when she said he could be a bit of a curly-headed cunt at times.

But in my defense I was half asleep and could've sworn she said, curly-headed grump.

"Okay fine. Let's say hypothetically you have feelings for Ariana but you think Ariana likes somebody else, how would you ask her who she liked without asking her and making it weird?"

Ashton glances over at me with an awkward smile, clearing his throat before he shuffles around in his seat and gets off on the nearest exit.

"Is this about Caleb?" I turn around, facing Ella who has a confused look on her face, I assume it's because she doesn't understand why the question she asked would've made Ashton a little bit uncomfortable.

She nods her head and folds her arms over her chest, slouching back against the middle seat, "yeah, men are confusing."

"Tell me about it," I add on, accidentally making her more hyper when she sees that I agree, "boys suck."

Ashton slowly looks over at me and creases his browse, his top lip rising a bit as he waves his hand around in the air, "you're adding fuel to a fire right now" he mutters with annoyance, "both of you quit."

"See that right there," Ella taps on my shoulder and points at Ashton when I turn around and face her, "that attitude right there is the reason why I won't ever date him."

Ashton rolls his eyes and rocks his head back against the headrest, tightening his hands on the wheel so his arms become stiff, "no, the reason that will never happen is that it's ILLEGAL!"

Turning back over to Ella she mouths, "see, attitude" while she shakes her head and pulls her phone out from her back pocket.

You're So Golden |H.S|حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن