Chapter 64

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Knew you were special from the moment I saw you
Cause all I see are wings, I can see your wings
But I know what I am and the life I live

And even though I sin, maybe we are born to live
But I know time will tell if we're meant for this

And even though we live inside a dangerously empty life; You always seem to bring the light


"You what?" he asks, his voice becoming so quiet I could practically hear me own heart pound in my chest.

His initial reaction sends me into a state of shock and anxiety. The look on his face seems confused, and the way he wants me to repeat my words leaves me more nervous than I was when I first said it.

But I said I was confident, I need to continue being confident in the way that I feel, because at the end of the day if I don't say it now i'm having a feeling i'll regret it.

Swallowing down the harsh lump in my throat, I stare up into his eyes, and ignore the sudden urge I now have to vomit all over his shoes.

Wouldn't that be romantic?

"I said-" I pause and shake my head slightly to wipe away my nerves, "I said I love you" I repeat myself, this time much louder as I release the words through a heavy breath.

His eyes widen, his cheeks become flushed, and if I know anything i'm almost positive he's now also holding back the urge to vomit.

Way to go Ariana you fucking broke him.

He's just standing in front of me without saying a word, which has me now feeling completely insecure, wishing I could fall down to my knees and roll up into a ball to escape this awkward interaction.

I mean come on, he just admitted he would kill for me, but because I drop the L word now all of a sudden i'm the crazy one? This is a bit unfair if you ask me.

"You love me?" he repeats softly, this time sounding even more confused than he was before, pinching his brows together as he says it with his top lip slightly raised as well.

That's kind of what I just said captain obvious, but if you don't say it back in two seconds I can easily lie and say I was talking to my reflection in the mirror.

Looking down and away from his eyes in fear of his response, his fingers comes up and pinch against my chin, tilting my head up so i'm facing him again.

He's still not saying a word.

"This is usually the part when you say something, you know because I said something. That's how conversations work most of the time- we go back and forth until we feel like there's no more we need to discuss" I speak in a laugh awkwardly through my slightly clenched teeth as I stare up into his dilated green eyes.

His head falls down slightly as he quietly huffs out a laugh through his parted lips, in which he subtly runs his tongue across as he stares hungrily at my own.

"Can you say what you just said again?" he mutters out raspingly, as he snakes his hand around my waist, suddenly pulling me close so my chest slams into his.

His soft yet rough touch leaves me breathless, "say it again?" I repeat his words, my head tilted to the side, focusing on his red lips instead of his green eyes that always hypnotize me in the best way possible.

He hums out a yes as he nods his head and bites down on his bottom lip gently, "tell me you love me"

My fingers twirl at the strands of Harry's hair that fall to the front of his face, brushing them away to the side so I could see him clearly, "I love you Harry"

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