Chapter 72

383 18 15

Harry's POV

"Mental strength is not the ability to stay out of darkness; It's the ability to sit present in the darkness knowing the light will shine again."

January 1, 2020


"Do anything last night to celebrate New Year's eve?"

"Nah man" he shakes his head, bringing his cigarette up in between his lips, sucking his cheeks in as he inhales the smoke deeply into his lungs, "nothin' you'd wanna know about anyways" he shrugs then slouches down into the leather seat across from me.

Nodding my head as I drop my notebook down onto my desk, I stand up from my chair and fold my arms over my chest.

He doesn't want to be here and to be quite frank neither do I but for us to each go home he needs to start talking.

I miss my girl.

"I wouldn't want to know because you hurt someone or I wouldn't want to know because you somehow hurt yourself?" I ask, walking around the room while he lifts and rests his feet up on my desk.

He shuffles around and turns towards me behind him, flicking his finger down against the stick until the ashes fall to the ashtray directly next to him.

"How's Ariana doing?" he changes the subject, "still just as happy as she was that day you guys came to the taco truck?" he asks in a mumble, dropping his feet down from the desk, he looks over at me like he's interested when I already know he's far from curious.

Moose has a history of struggling when it comes to opening up to me about the shit he's done. Most of the time he's under the influence or goes into a state of mind he's not often in, snaps out of it, and panics.

I believe that's why he called me today.

I wasn't supposed to work at all this week, but he called me this morning in a panic saying he needed to talk to me as soon as I could. But now that we're here it's clear he's having some regrets.

Hence why he's asking about my personal life. He knows bringing something up like Ariana will spark my interest, and could easily steer us away from what's important right now. But it never works out for him.

I'm just lucky that out of all my clients she could've run into, she ran into Moose. He is a cool dude and genuinely has good intentions, he just got caught up in things he shouldn't have just like me.

Any other guy could have easily used Ariana as a threat because they are still on the fence as far as trusting me goes.

She might not think that I'm not in as bad danger because I was never physically hurting anyone, but knowing what everyone else does is almost scarier.

Someone could easily get pissed at me when I don't give them the advice they want, freak out and think I'll share their information, and then could come after the people I care about.

I however do trust Moose though, but that doesn't mean I'll ever speak to him about her.

"This isn't about my girlfriend, who you shouldn't even be speaking on" I state sternly, grabbing water from the mini-fridge in the corner of my office, "so why did you call me Moose? What happened last night?" I ask, walking back over to my desk chair.

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