Chapter 30

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I slowly blinked my eyes open.

Moving my arms around I felt pressure around my skin, holding me back, and keeping me in place.

Glancing down quickly I saw myself tied tightly to a wooden chair. I tried yelling for help but a piece of cloth was tied to my mouth to put an end to the loud screams that were coming out of me.

As I looked up I saw a tiny white light bulb dangling and swinging back and forth above my head leaving the rest of the room pitch black and cold.

I don't remember what happened? How did I get here?

Squirming around in the chair I hissed at the pain of the rope rubbing up against my skin. My tears fell to my rosy cheeks leaving me gasping for air as I screamed louder.

The footsteps came closer to me. Making me anxious after each thump, screaming out into the gag begging for help.

That's when they came into the light.

Pinching my eyes closed I shook my head confused praying it wasn't true. Praying that this was some terrible dream.

"We both know what you did Angel" Harry said quietly in his raspy voice while looking down at me.

Ashton stood there next to him holding a gun in his hand looking just as angry as Harry was.

I swallowed harshly crying out begging for them to let me go.

I didn't do anything. What did I do? What is he talking about?

Kicking my feet I tried my hardest to get away from them but Harry quickly grabbed onto my face, pinching my chin in between his fingers, and grabbed the gun from Ashton's hand pointing it lazily at my head.

I swallowed harshly as the familiar cold metal pressed into my skin just like last night.

Harry crouched down so we were at eye level "this whole time I thought it was your father! Why didn't you tell me you were home that night princess?" he screamed at me making me jump in the chair from his tone.

Shaking my head I tried screaming but nothing came out. They weren't listening to me, nobody was listening to me.

Even if I tried they couldn't understand me. I'm helpless.

Ashton came closer, tugging on the cloth until it fell from my mouth. Just as he did I screamed for them to stop, drooling from the gag, and crying out for help "I didn't do anything I swear please. Harry please just let me go! I don't know what you're talking about!" I screamed out begging him to untie me and set me free "someone help me please!"

As I screamed the two of them turned to each other and laughed. Throwing their heads back they screamed 'help' just as loud as I was.

What is wrong with him? Why's Harry doing this to me he said he'd protect me?

Scrunching my eyebrows together I looked to the both of them with my eyes widened "what are you doing?" I asked softly, trying to catch my breath, while my tears streamed down.

Without warning harry grabbed onto the legs of the chair, pulling me close to him, and then slammed his hands on to my knees with his gun still in his hand "nobody can hear you baby. We were just trying to help you" he said as he smiled at me "go ahead and scream, I like listening to you scream" he winked at me.

I don't understand. How did I get here? What did I do? Why are they doing this to me?

I would never hurt my mom. I wasn't home that night I swear.

"Harry please you're scaring me" I cried out as his hands got tighter on my legs making me squeal from the pain "you're hurting me!" I screamed and squirmed around in the chair as his nails dug into my skin.

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