Chapter 27

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I'm in my bed

And you're not here

And there's no one to blame but the drink and my wandering hands


Harry's Pov

"You're gonna be Golden again baby."

Right as her lips pulled away from my cheek, the bed shuffled as she stood up, and left me there all alone. 

My vision became blurry when I opened my eyes and my body got cold as I tangled myself in my lonely sheets. 

The feeling of anxiousness, exhaustion, and irritability crashed into me like a giant wave while I came down from my high. 

My body started to twitch as the helpless cries forced themselves out of me. Leaving me in bed alone crying and hyperventilating praying that maybe she'd hear me from wherever she is and find her way back to me. 

Climbing into bed and pulling me close into her arms. Her gentle touch and soft fingers tangled into my hair while I let out the tears i've been fighting off for so long. 

The nervous butterflies she gives me whenever she looks at me takes away the nervous ones that flutter as I stress and worry about my future. 

Her soft touch heals the rough scars within my skin. Breathing me in and out until i'm completely healed from my regrets and reckless past.

She not only makes me feel safe but at home and when i'm at home I feel peace. 

When I feel peace I feel so distracted by the good I never want to look back into that dark negative direction. 

I rather be free and safe in her presence. Praying that it will last forever. Hoping she could love me for the man I once was instead of hating me for the man I am now. 

With her by my side it feels possible. It feels good knowing she wants to see the good in me. She's willing to sacrifice her innocence and time in order to find the boy inside of me that she's only spoken with a few times. 

I know it's not for her, it's for them because she cares. She wants me to want it and if she's willing to help me there's nothing more in this world than I want other than her help. 

The sacrifices i'm willing to take just to see the people around me okay.

I want to help me. It's just hard to help when you have no idea how to. 

She was right about me. Everything she said about what she had imagined all of those years. She deserved better. She wanting saving she just didn't expect it from me. 

I'm not the man she dreamt about saving her, I'm the type of man she needs to be saved from. 

I don't want it to be that way but as of right now that's how she looks at me. How can someone as broken as me try and protect someone like her? 

If anything she's been protecting me this entire time. 

Because every single time i'm with her those cravings and addictions start to fade. It feels good feeling good on your own, and whenever i'm with her I feel good. 

Call it cliche but it's the goddamn truth. 

Something about that girl caring so deeply about me and my family makes her so irresistible. 

At first sure you could call it a childish crush but after getting to know her she's all I think about. To the point where I have to be with other girls to stop it but it never works out because she's all I see.  

You're So Golden |H.S|Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt