Chapter 15

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It's been a week since I found out the truth about my father. 

Harry held me that night in the rain for three hours. I was so weak I couldn't move and whenever he tried to I only dragged him back down with me. He knew I needed him there so he held me until I had no tears left to cry. 

Now I'm staying with Rita in her tiny apartment down the street from the cafe. She didn't ask me any questions she just offered me her couch and told me to stay as long as I needed. 

When Harry brought me back to her that night and she saw how much of a mess I was she assumed Harry and I had broken up. I tried telling her we were never together but she had a hard time believing me. So I just let her believe what she wanted because she sadly can't know the real truth. 

The day after Harry dropped me off he came back with some snacks, clothes, and my phone. A pack of my favorite chips he must have seen me eat on my lunch breaks, five of his shirts and boxer briefs, and my phone which was flooded with messages from my father. 

Rita gave Harry some dirty looks when he dropped off my stuff. 

Whenever he turned his back she held up the middle finger and stuck her tongue out at him. She even kicked him in the butt when he leaned over to hug me goodbye. 

They were both happy to see me laughing and smiling.

I tried downloading apps and books onto my phone but every time I went to use it, it was flooded with emails, texts, and calls from my dad. After the tenth call in a row I threw it onto the kitchen tiles until it completely shattered into tiny pieces. 

He has no idea where I am or who i'm with and after what Harry told me it's obviously better off that way.  

The nightmares i've been having have made everything more real. Whenever I try to close my eyes I see everything Harry told me. I try not to but it's all I think about. 

I keep thinking about what my life would look like if she was safe. What my sibling would be like and how well we'd get along. I always wanted a brother. 

My mom was right, my heart is fragile and after each terrible thing Harry told me my heart only broke more. I obviously had no clue how dark and twisted this world truly is. 

Some hours i'll be fine and completely distracted but the longer I sit around the more I think about that night. 

The thought of my father pushing her down those steps then going back to bed acting like it never happened. My dad ruining Harry's dad's life just because he was trying to stop him from hurting others. Harry's mom ruining mine.

I just have a hard time understanding how he kept it up for so long. How he went to bed at night knowing he took away the person I needed most. He watched me cry at night asking myself why I wasn't good enough for her to stay. I kept asking myself what I did wrong but I did nothing and he knew that. 

He let me think she left me because I wasn't good enough. He made me hate her. He made me hate myself because of her, because I am like her. 

I keep asking myself what if I show the police the letter. What if Harry comes with me and tells the truth? What if I expose him for every evil thing he's ever done. 

Harry was right though, he's rich and he's powerful. They'd never believe us and even if they did they wouldn't help. They'd be just as scared as I am. 

We live in a small town. Everybody knows everyone and I wouldn't be surprised if everyone here knew the kind of man my father is. 

As far as Harry goes I still don't understand why he took so long to tell me. Why he chose to talk to me that day. Why not tell me years ago? Why did he speak to me when nothing was going wrong? How did he watch me all those years when he was supposedly out of town for six of them? 

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