Part 3

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The King stood over his dead father. His heart sank. He quivered and shook with fear. He had to take up the role of King without his father. Rule his kingdom. Protect his people. In the developing war on the boarders of his country and Athrolila.(Ath-ro-lia-).

He couldn't face it. His face was blank as he mother stayed at his side until dawn. His mother could barely stand and he had to hold her as she wept heavily. 

His father was a monster. Killed many people, but at the sake for his people and his son. The King.

His Father's green cape. A symbol of there heritage and history of Eramada(Era-man-da)    

Now hanging off his amour. His Father's crown atop of his head.  

The King entered his room when the sun finally arose over the castle. The dimmed lit corridor of last night's fiasco. The windows of the corridor were lit up with the morning sun. The long rug lit up in the sun shinning in the windows. 

He crouched down onto his knees to examine the bloodstained carpet. The girl's dress freshly stained with the noble's blood on her dress. It dripped a long line that looked like red breadcrumbs on the carpet.

He placed his hands onto the tethered grey threads. It was soft to his touch. The blood on the carpet was dry and seeped into the carpet. A everlasting reminder to him, what the girl had done. To him and this Kingdom.

He slowly stood up. His gold crown leaning forward on his head. We slowly walked down the corridor to his room.

His feet taped on the ground impatiently as he saw a fallen bookcase in front of his door. The girl must of pushed it as she was running down the stairs. Yet the bloodstains lead to his room.

He wrapped his hand around the sliver door knob and head the faint click of the door and pushed forward. The door creaked open.

His room was an entire mess.

What drew the eye of the King most was the black stain bed sheets tied to his bed frame. He placed the fabric in one hand and ran his fingers through the satin until it reach the open windows to the balcony. The end of the sheets floating in the wind. He turned around to face his bed.

The bedframe was not damaged in any way but the draws to the cupboards and small tables were left in pieces on the pale green rug in the room. His eyes widened. His knife was missing. The green and gold embroidered handle and blade was missing out of the top draw. He threw the broken draw away to see if it was under it. Nothing.

The girl had taken it. His ruffled his hands angrily through his bronze hair. He slouched on the stripped bed. He held his head in his hands.

The room around him similar to his mind. He pondered on endless thoughts until, His eyes drew to a close.

The King slept soundly. His mind slowing the thoughts down. Of his Kingdom, of his father, of his mother. Of the girl he desperately needed to find. It all melted away when he slept. Like black curtains have drawn to a close in the King's mind.

A faint knocking echoed in the King's mind. The knocking grew louder until he sat up awake on his bed.

He looked around. His room the same as it was. Ripped and torn. Glass doors still open. The black fabric still flowing in the breeze.

The door creaked open to revel a maid standing outside his door.

Her small body wobbled as she spoke " The Captain, and General are expecting you in the ballroom your Highness" She pecked around the door to see the King with his hands gripping onto the balcony in his room.

"She's gone is she?" He calmly spoke.

"I don't understand your Highness" She responded politely. 

"The girl" He said his face blank as he turn around to face the maid.

The maid's face was awfully pale and her brown hair braided into a crown atop her head.

"I only heard whispers in the kitchen sir. People believe that she is lost in the woods, the guards giving up on their search" She whispered.

"Well I pray that there only whispers miss" He lowered his head to look at her.

Her freckles matched her hair and her eyes soft and rounded.

"I'll give orders to get this mess cleaned up your highness" She said stepping into the room glancing at the floor.

"Give the cleaners my regards" The King said as he stepped out of the door. "Oh and miss, if you need anything, please don't be afraid to talk to me" He smiled.

The maid's face lit up red as she blushed. The King closed the door to his room behind him.

The King was kind compared to his father. At times the King's kindness would run out on the battlefield and in the courtroom. But He always seemed to smile and be nice to the maids and the people who look after the castle. They were like family to him. Many have been under the castle's wing since he was a babe. Watching in grow and develop into hopefully a ruler in a peaceful kingdom. A Kingdom full of traitors and war.

The King's arrival was greatly expected in the ballroom. The court and nobles were all gathered into the ballroom to discuss most likely battle and the expected war among the brinks. The King's feet tapped along the corridor until he reached the doors to the ballroom. The tall oak doors nearly reached the celling. The King stood and looked up and drew a deep breath. The King's heart sat in his throat as the soldiers opened the doors and announced his arrival. 

"Please arise to the King Azrael Eramaden of Eramada " 

Azrael walked into the marble ballroom. The room silent as he then sat at the highest seat, covered in the royal emblems and gold. The court of nobles sat and chatter developed amongst them. 

The clouded memory of the night played in Azrael's head. His Kingdom. His name.

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