Part 18

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Evelynn stared into the mirror. Griping onto the basin. She etched herself as her eyes drifted back to the bathtub. The red tinge of the water made Evelynn cringe at her self. She thought it would be next week. She groaned and drained the tub. The light red tinged water swirling down the drain.

She pulled out the courage of her independent soul to ask a female staff member for some liners. The awfully pale maid with a braided brown crown atop of her head didn't ask questions just nodded and walked off.

Evelynn stood awkwardly until the maid returned, the clothed liners wrapped in a little red ribbon. The maid nodded at her, looking down at her feet.

"Thankyou" Evelynn whispered, she lowered her head at the maid.

"No problem Princess," The maid returned the bow and walked off, her brown downturned almond eyes staring at he feet as she walked down the hallway.

Evelynn stood their uncomfortably until the maid turned the corner. Evelynn then reached for the door handle to her room.


Azrael walked into the dinning room. The fireplace lighting up the hall. Five large tables all corresponding vertically to one another. Azrael spotted his seat at the very end of the middle table. Right near one of the fireplaces. The gold flacked throne sparkled in the fire light.

They all stood for Azrael as they noticed his presence. All of his court and the ladies didn't sit until both him, his mother and sister sat to his left.

He noticed Marcus at the end of the table. His left hand twiddling with a fork as he sat waiting to be served for his meal. His mouth pressed into a straight line. He twiddled his fingers around the fork. His long scar on his collarbone showing through the top unbuttoned part of his white shirt.

A grey dress wisped past him. Marcus looked up from his stare at the utensil. His thin pressed lips curved upwards at the sight of her. The knee length grey dress clinging to her hips. The black haired girl stood beside him. Cutting off the line of sight between the girl's face and Azrael.

Marcus nodded his head and placed his fork down. His eyes began to light up as the girl spoke. He nodded along to her. He gave the girl a smile as he took a step away from him in farewell. The girl in the grey dress turned around to face Azrael.

Those blue eyes. Those piecing blue eyes. Full of power and rage. Azrael looked her up and down as she did so to him. She lifted her chin upwards and smiled. She turned away and sat down at the table of the ladies to his left.


Evelynn swept her grey dress underneath her as she sat. She looked back at Azrael. His green eyes drifting over his plate and across the table. Her mind thought back to the conversation with Marcus. 

"Well funny to see you here" She sarcastically prodded.

"Likewise, Princess" Marcus looked up at her. "You plan to train tonight?" His words whispering out of his mouth.

"Actually to your surprise yes," Evelynn gently responded. "I was thinking something along the lines of archery and swords," She smiled.

"Great idea, "Marcus replied. 

"At 10?" Evelynn asked clinging onto her grey dress. The cramps in her stomach growing.

"At 10" Marcus smiled. Evelynn took a step away from him and glanced to the front of the Royal table where Marcus was seated at the further end.

Those green dragon eyes. Assessing her as he did before. Evelynn looked back at Marcus. His brown eyes still had light in them as he played with the utensil. It was like he savored the empty conversation.

Evelynn looked back towards Azrael. He was sprawled on the throne. His green cape hanging over the sides of the dinning throne. He chin was high, like he was trying to look down upon her. Azrael's jaw clenched and unclenched as his green eyes remained on her. Trying to read her blank expression.

Evelynn was snapped out of the memory by the smell of the plate of food placed in front of her. She ate and chatted amongst the other girls seated around her.

"Who was that handsome main you were talking too," Marlin asked raising a eyebrow at Marcus. 

Solar placed her cup down and scoffed "Marcus? The trainer?"

Lisandra and Rylen stared at her, there eyes wide like they were plastered on.

"What no!" Evelynn coughed into her wine. "I just train and practice my sword skills with him" She pleaded.

"Yea, right" Lisandra spat as she raised the wine glass to her mouth, shaking her head slightly.

Evelynn noticed that Rylen hasn't touched her wine. "How old are you?" Evelynn question watching her next set of words.

"19" Rylen responded placing her fork down. "You" She suggested to Lisandra. Evelynn nodded as she sipped her wine. 

Some of these girls were so young. She pondered on about what she did when she was Rylen's age. Riding horses on the beach. Hiding in the forest. Watching the sun climb up over the horizon and fall back over it. Then it changed, as the beach became a warzone, the forest an ambush hideout.

"21" Lisandra responded taking another swing of her glass.

"Same" Marlin added poking at her food. "Evelynn?" Marlin asked.

"I'm 22" Evelynn replied, the light dying in her eyes. The bloody wars like a fresh wound in her mind.

"You make that sound like a bad thing!" Lisandra smirked.

"It is" Evelynn replied her dead eyes drifting back to Azrael.

She noticed that his eyes drifted across the room. The lights from the fires shining in his eyes. The crackle of the fire and smell of ember distracted Evelynn, she looked away from the burning fire.

His green eyes caught her frost blue's. Looking into his eyes the realization hit her hard in the gut. She was the villain. The broken one. The one that would never be forgiven, when she killed him. There was no emotion in his green eyes. He knew who she was on the outside, not knowing what was on the inside. She gave him a wicked smirk and continued talking amongst her table.

Matching her smirk Azrael continued talking amongst his table. His eyes casually drifting towards Evelynn and that grey dress of hers.

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