Part 15

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Evelynn stalked down the stairs. Her lips trembling. She threw back her cape and pushed the doors open. Her shoes clattered on the garden tiles. Evelynn gazed around. The midday sun and smell of the garden flowers. 

An ache in her chest grew with every step. She needed to get out of here. She thought. Evelynn made her way to the stables. The ache growing into a lump in her throat.

A settled horse was held by a guard. Bout to be lead back into the stables.

Evelynn coughed. "May I?" She asked politely her legs trembling.

The guard stumbled for words at the sight of Evelynn. Her hair flung out from her braids. The hem of her dress filled with leaves and covered with dirt.

"Ms. I don't think you understand" The guard said.

"I understand quite well" The kind tone in Evelynn's voice disappearing.

Evelynn grabbed the reins and threw a leg over the horse. Her dug her feet into the horse and galloped off.

The guard chased after Evelynn on foot. He gave up after Evelynn disappeared into the forest.

Evelynn grasped onto the reins as she lead the horse deeper into the forest.

Evelynn leaned forward onto the horse, as she hid from the thorns and spikes above. The tall evergreen trees hid any sign of the sun from the hard earth below.

She tugged onto the reins and spotted a opening of the trees. The sun peaking through the trees. Lighting up the ground.

Hills of green melted over the horizon. The sun appeared above her. Evelynn slowed down to a walk and opened her arms an breathed in. The crisp smell of grass and pine on the southen breeze. Evelynn's lips tugged up. Her teeth appearing. With a sigh of relief Evelynn stroked the mare.

"Good job" She whispered. "Thankyou for getting me here"

Evelynn looked up from the mare and looked towards the hills. A small tree in the distance near a blue blur rushing down the hills.

"A river" Evelynn stroked the mare, and kicked her sides sending her off into a gallop.

Evelynn leant back and looked to the sky. The crystal blue sky with the peal white clouds above her moved in rhythm as she did. At the top of the hill the tree became closer for Evelynn to notice. A tall oak with a wooden swing attached to a tall branch to tall for Evelynn to even dare to climb.

The blue blur became a small river gliding down the green hills below her. Evelynn slid off the mare and lead her to the stream.

Evelynn admired all the rocks. They were to far for her to reach. The water effortlessly flowing over them. Like they had been thrown years ago and eroded into the soil bed.

Evelynn pulled off her shoes and stepped into the stream. 

The cool water rushed over her legs and feet. She rolled up her cape in her hands and placed them on a nearby stone beside the horse.

"The water is nice isn't it?" A voice sighed coming from behind the tree.

Evelynn jumped at the noise. She turned her head to a female with piecing green eyes and long wavy brown hair. The girl guarded her horse to the river. 

"The water is still cold from the long winter we had," The girl smiled at her horse and removed her boots and socks.

Evelynn remained still as she assessed the girl that looked so much like the King she dreaded.

"I'm Evelynn" She drawled out. Her jaw clenching. "And yes the water is nice" She nodded picking up a stone in the river. The cold water rushing over her arms as she clenched onto the stone.

"From the Southam Wastes or Athrolila I presume" The girl said stepping deeper into the water. Evelynn's heart paused. Athrolila. Her Kingdom, the ache grew in her heart. 

"Southam Wastes" Evelynn nodded. Her voice hiding the bitter lie. She was getting sick of it. Lying to these people just so they wouldn't torture her for information or worse.

"I could tell from your tanned skin and not many people venture out into the cold water here" The girl huffed pulling off her tunic and throwing it on a nearby rock. The girl shrugged off her pants and Evelynn's eyebrows crossed as the girl jumped into the cold water. Her arms stretching out in front of her.

The girl disappeared underneath the cold water. Evelynn looked around in shock. Where is she? Evelynn slid the sleeves off her dress. She pushed the top of her dress further down her chest. I am going to have to get her.  Evelynn groaned, as she walked out of the water with her dirty and wet dress in her arm. She threw her dress over one of the oak branches. She stamped her feet on the ground and took off in a sprint into the water.

Evelynn jumped into the water. The cold water engulfing her body. The wrap around her breasts and her undergarments provided no protection against the water. She swam around looking for the girl. Her lungs burning after some time. She pushed against the current up to the surface.

Evelynn choked on the water as she opened her mouth as she inhaled the air. Treading onto the surface Evelynn took another deep breath and almost closed her eyes to go back underneath the cold water.

"You good?" The girl laughed from the other side of the river. Evelynn huffed with relief as she swam to where her feet could touch the rocky bottom.

"It would of been hard to explain what happened if you drowned" Evelynn smirked splashing water at the girl.

"Nice to meet you as well. I'm Abagail, Princess of Eramada" 

Evelynn eye's narrowed at Abagail. All the lose ends where coming together. 

"You do look like Azrael" Evelynn examined.

"But I am nothing like him" Abagail laughed before she disappeared underneath the water again.

Evelynn felt a force down her leg. Evelynn didn't notice the touch until she was pulled under.

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