Part 39

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"Well, lets dance," Evelynn said to Lisandra, grabbing her hand and twirling her around. Chuckles escaped Lisandra's red lips, bearing her teeth she asked.

"Can I have this dance Madam?" Swooping down low into a bow. Evelynn's smile appeared. Lisandra was glad to see her smile again. Evelynn placed Lisandra's hand in hers,

"You may kind gentlewomen," Her breathy laugh answered. Lisandra smiled and bowed low. Then she sharply stood back up. Her back arched straight up as her eyes widened. Her throat bobbled and reached for a passing waiter's tray of drinks. Confused but full of sarcasm Evelynn continued, "I believe you are more a man than half the men in this room, kind lady," Lisandra coughed, signaling for Evelynn to stop. She didn't dare turn around as Lisandra's face screwed up.

"I hope I am in the half of the male majority that is more a man than Lisandra is,"

Evelynn groaned in her head. Arsehole. She continued to face Lisandra.

"Your right though, I can't deny it," Azrael smiled nodding looking at the back of Evelynn's head. The dark blue crown atop of her head, glittered in the light, as she turned to face him.

Evelynn spun around, lifting her ballgown up. The blue leaves creeping their way up her waist and chest. She saw him. The green cape, glistening in gold and silver. His brown hair was slicked back as the crown was gently placed on it. His pale green shirt was embroidered with gold elements and the low collar exposed a part of his chest. His black shoes tapped on the tiles, making the hems of his white pants drift side to side. She met his green, gentle gaze. Flooding memories back to the night they met on the ballroom floor as she wore the green dress.

Azrael looked at her. Her dress weaving up her waist. The blue reminded him of the stars he had once seen. She was breathtaking. Her blue eyes staring at her as she locked eyes with his. Her earrings were shaped like a flower that hid in her black hair, like a rose bush. But when he smiled at her. The pure joy he felt when she displayed that smirk on her face then displaying her white set of teeth, in a smile. The navy blue ballgown sat off her shoulders as she revealed her hands, placing them in front of her.

"Would you like to dance kind gentlewomen?" Azrael asked, watching her face brighten with every word.

Evelynn hesitated her smile dropping. "You should ask Lisandra," Azrael turned to Lisandra who already had a glass of white wine in her hand. Evelynn looked at her.

"I can't dance," Lisandra simply said drifting away, grabbing onto Vallie as she walked past. To slight disgust Vallie when along with it,

"She's coming with me," Vallie said in a convincing tone.

Evelynn growled at them. Evelynn made an obscene gesture from behind her as they walked away. Hiding it from Azrael's view.

"I'm going to get them for that later," Evelynn shook her head whispering to herself then facing back to Azrael. He had his hand out with his palm upwards waiting for Evelynn to grasp it.

"Princess, would you like to dance with me? The words rolling off Azrael's tongue like silk.

Evelynn placed her hand in his and spoke "Yes I would like to,"


The music weaved itself into the air. A paintbrush drifting over a canvas creating a story. Azrael walked with Evelynn to the centre of the ballroom. They met arm in arm in the centre of the dance floor. He spun her around slowly. Her navy blue lifting up off the marbled floor. Her hair flowing behind her. She was... was - Azrael couldn't find words for how beautiful she was in that dress. Her large silver crown and blue crown sat on top of her head. With it on she was tall enough to brush it against his cheekbones. Evelynn blushed as he spun her

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