Part 8

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Azrael had been dragged from conversation to conversation. Many girls crowding around him. The moon well above them. The clear glass celling lighting up the dancefloor. His crown shining. Azrael jumped from conversation to argument. All throughout the night.

"I am going to get myself a drink" He said trying to drag himself away from the growing bigger crowd around him. Many girls volunteered to get him a drink and some pushed themselves closer to him.  

Azrael tried to avoid a conversation with Roselin, by speaking to court officials and generals as often as possible.

"Now which one of you beautiful ladies would like to dance?" He said as he placed his drink down on the table.                                                                                                                                                        Azrael bowed his head and extended his hand to a lady in white at the back of the group. She stood around fellow girls and a look of shock spread across her face. She placed a hand over her chest as if to say "Me?" Azrael bowed his head again as to say "Yes you" The girl placed her hand on top of his and Azrael lead her out to the center of the ballroom. His cape flowing as he spun around with her.

The orchestra grew louder with every step that Azrael took with the lady in white.  Her dress spinning around her wide bodice. She was like a ghost who floated over the dance floor. Azrael drifted with her to the music, that the orchestra played. The moon rising higher as they danced.

A loud sound of unlocking of the doors echoed throughout the ball. Many people turned. Azrael turned to face where the loud noise had came from. His green cape twisting. The girl in white pulled herself closer to Azrael. 

The stairway doors slowly swung out to reveal a green figure, at the top of the golden stairs. The figure stood at the top of the stairway entrance. A crown shimmered across the figure's head. 

The girl whispered into his hear. "Go" She pulled away from Azrael. Her hand dropping from holding onto his. The girl looked to the green figure visible behind his shoulder. She nodded and lifted her chin at Azrael. 

"Thankyou" Azrael whispered facing the figure. Azrael dropped his hand  on her waist. "Ms..?" He raised his bronze eyebrows in question.

"Malin" The girl spun to face to the figure, behind him. The girl's crystal white eyes brightening. "Go, meet her" Malin suggested. Her hands opening in front of her suggesting to Azrael. 

Azrael lowered his head to Malin. The chatter and conversation of the ball quieted as the figure slowly made their way down the steps of the stairway. The green figure bobbing slightly. Azrael pushed his way through the crowd to reach the figure on the stairwell. 

The figure began to clear in Azrael's vision. The pale green dress wrapped tightly around the girls body. The fabric flowing from her hips outwards in many green ruffles. Her waist and top covered in flowers. Her black hair swept behind her. A sliver crown sat atop her head. Azrael drew closer to the girl. The green fabric matched his cape. 

The girl reached the final step and looked up. Her chin a soft v. She glanced around, then settled her gaze upon Azrael. Her eyes a crystal blue. 

Those eyes felt widely familiar to Azrael. He felt the crack in his heart ache. The night flashing in the back of his memory. The girl drew closer to Azrael. He stepped forward to meet her at the southen end of the dance floor. Her eye's met his.

Azrael froze in his place. The crystal ocean blue eyes met his dragon green. Her olive skin shone in the moonlight. The night playing violently in his head. The screams and echoes reached his ears as like they were there. A whisper of wind drifted down his spine. Like a breath down his vulnerable neck.

Azrael inhaled a deep breath. The sent of the girl in front of him drifted across his senses. Chrysanthemums, spring pine and sea salt engulfed his cramped mind. 

He extended his hand out to the girl in green. She lifted her chin more to look at him. She raised her eyebrows at him and placed her hand on his. She wrapped her small hand around his. Azrael's hand engulfed hers. Her hands weren't soft like the others but they were ruff and calloused. Like they have held swords in battles, and held soil underneath chipped nails.

They met arm in arm in the center of the dance floor. He spun her around slowly. Her green dress lifting up off the marbled floor. Her hair flowing behind her. She was dazzling in the green dress. Her small silver crown matching his.

Azrael held her hand as she finished spinning and was drawn closer to him. She looked down as he pulled her closer. Her skin hot as she laid her chin on his armored chest. His hand grew tighter on her waist.

Her hand was placed on his armored shoulder as they both danced with one another. The girl's crown matching the night stars above them. The ruffles of her green dress intertwining with his cape. Azrael forgot that they were others watching. His memory wiped for a brief moment with the girl in his arms. He noticed that other people of his court were dancing as well. He kept one hand on the girls waist as the other was intertwined with her small calloused hand.

The song drew to a close. The orchestra slowing and the song becoming thinner with instruments finishing their piece.  Her olive skin grew red as he pulled her closer, to finish. His face near nosing touching with hers. The girl stared right back into his eyes. He girl looked down and rested her chin on his shoulder once again.

"What's your name your highness?" He whispered down into her neck. The girl warmed to his touch and whispered back. Just as lustful as his voice.

The Kingdoms of Blue and Green.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora