Part 40

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"I have worked in the castle ever since my mother escaped from the Mines of the West Samella and ran to find refugees in the castle. She was given a job as a maid in the castle. So I grew up with them and I'm friends with Abbigail," Lucy smiled as she sipped her drink.

"Wow," Was all Evelynn managed to say. "How long did your mother travel, if I can ask,"

"4 months," Lucy said. Evelynn looked at her, her light brown hair and pale skin complexion a feature of those from the West Samella. "I never knew the continent was so big until my mother told me how she ended up here,"

"Can I ask her how she did it?" Evelynn asked trying not to seem insensitive. Lucy's aura dimed as Evelynn asked. Evelynn noticed that Lucy broke eye contact and her brown eyes shifted to the floor. "Sorry I shouldn't have asked. I've overstepped,"

"I mean you can, but it would be incredibility hard," Lucy's lips thinned.

"Why's that?" Evelynn asked rolling her tongue.

"She's dead,"

Evelynn knew she stuffed up. Big time. Twiddling her fingers Evelynn swore. "I'm so sorry Lucy, I didn't know,"

"How could of you? That time I did my job and helped you while you were on your cycle, I didn't say anything. How could you have known? She passed from natural causes, she had me before menopause which she said was a miracle," Lucy shook her head at Evelynn. " She was pretty old," Lucy chuckled. 

Evelynn smiled at Lucy, tapping her fingers on her glass. She saw Lucy check the time. "I'm so sorry I must go, my job awaits. It was so nice to finally meet you Evelynn. It's been nice to talk to someone like you," Lucy said as she walked away.

Evelynn crossed her eyebrows. Talk to someone like you. Huh. What does she mean by that? Every question Evelynn asked to ignite a friendly conversation. Etching deeper with every question yet she didn't expect such a clean, non-sugar coated answer from her. She'd be an interesting asset to have. Or as a friend.


Evelynn swayed at the music as she watched her friends dance and drink. The moon grew higher into the sky, and the stars shone through the high ceiling. Evelynn walked over to Rayleen who she noticed was standing alone his hand on the green sofa. He looked up at her and his lips formed a thin line. His high collar ruffled as he exhaled greeting Evelynn in a short bow.

"Good Evening Evelynn," Rayleen said returning to his posture.

"Evening Rayleen. What's the Prince of Rosalyn doing without his Princess?" Evelynn said standing next to Rayleen. Evelynn looked out to the dance floor. Crowded and thriving with people of the court. She watched the red curtain behind the throne sway from side to side. Waiting for him.

"Abbigail's with her mother at the moment," Rayleen faced Evelynn licking his lips of the liquor on his top lip. Placing his glass on a table behind the sofa.

"I'm sure the Queen would enjoy this very much. Why isn't she here? I haven't seen her since the dinner we had a while ago," Evelynn read his expression. His brown eyes dimmed and lost the spark Abbigail loved so dearly. Rayleen wrapped a hand around his waist. He ruffled his sunflower yellow hair and placed his hand in his pant pocket.

"She's ill, very ill,"

Evelynn gulped and placed a finger on the tip of her lip. She resisted the urge to bite her nail, and removed it from her mouth. Evelynn clenched her jaw and nodded slowly. Rayleen rubbed his tongue over his teeth and nodded along, swaying his body weight from one leg to another.

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