Part 29

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Evelynn awoke to continuous banging on the door. The door rattled with the hard knocks on the wood. Evelynn sat up and rubbed her eyes. She threw the blankets off her and opened the door.


"Riley, Marcus!" Evelynn threw her arms around her chest. Her white and sky blue spaghetti-strapped nightgown hung low over her chest. Riley's eyes became erratic. Marcus stood holding his sword in his left hand. He looked at her, his hair was a mess and his eyes couldn't seem to focus on a single spot.

"There's been another murder," Marcus' voice rattled, he shifted on his feet and his amour creaked at the movement. "You're needed in the King's room,"

Evelynn gulped, nodded, and both boys nodded. She closed the door, as they walked past Rylen's door opposite her, near the exit of the rooms.


Azrael paced around the room. Running his hands through his hair. He muffled a string of curse words. His desk was full of opened and marked maps, with quills and spilt ink on them. He couldn't think.

"They're among us," He whispered. "Who could it be?" He rummaged through the open maps and traced the route of all the carriage of the girls that had travelled here. Azrael tapped his feet on the wooden floorboards of his room. He traced Evelynn's carriage's route with his finger on the map.

It starts on the border of Athrolila then swirls and winds through the forest and then onto the entrance to Eramada's borders. It makes its way northeast through Orthill and Linpond, then finally reaches the center of Eramada of the castle where she lives down the staircase to the left of the library, on the second floor at the moment.

"Could it be possible?" Azrael tapped his finger on her route. "Could it be possible?" He repeated hearing a knocking at the door. "Could she had of snuck him in?"


Evelynn brushed past guards and several court members finding her way to his room. She reached the top of the stairs and flicked a nail at one of the vases placed on the small tables next to the exit of the staircase. It wobbled and tipped over, it rolled and fell onto the green carpet. It cracked.

Evelynn burst out laughing and saw a guard walking past her to her right. She inhaled heavily and jogged off to Azrael's room. Her face was red from smiling hard. She felt the sudden urge to flick it over. So she did it. Making it crack in the process.

She reached his door and knocked on it gently. Evelynn leant on the door to hear if anyone was in here. She knocked again, pressing her ear on the door.

She near fell forward as the door unlocked and opened. Evelynn quickly stood up and adjusted her crimson red dress that fell off her shoulders slightly. She brushed it down to hide the sudden embarrassment she gave herself.

"Evelynn," Azrael spoke looking her up and down in the dress. "Come in," He spoke opening the door wider for her to enter.

Evelynn mouthed an "oh no" as she entered. Azrael closed the door behind her.

Azrael sat in his desk chair and placed his hands behind his head, supporting his head. He lent back on the chair. The two legs lifting off the ground.

"I know why would have called me in here. I didn't bring them in I promise," Evelynn opened her hands and displayed them. Her palms open to Azrael.

Azrael removed his arms from behind his head and lent forward, placing his hands over his legs. He opened his mouth the speak. Observing Evelynn's open hands and sudden facial displeasure, he stood up.

"I had a hunch you would ask me if I snuck them through here. As the Southern Wastes are near the border of Athrolila-"

"I just wanted to see you," Azrael blurted out. Evelynn looked at him and she closed her mouth. Azrael placed his left hand on his right arm and spoke, "I knew it wasn't you. It can't be"

Evelynn nodded and exhaled heavily. She rubbed her nose with the back of her palm and dropped it down to her side. She exhaled again repeating his words in her head. "It wasn't you. It can't be" Evelynn tapped her heels together. Well, it is. It is. She looked back at him and her lips parted at the sight of him.

He stood a pace away from her with his left hand placed on his right arm. Hugging it in some sort. His buttoned-up dress shirt and black dress jacket did no good hiding his upper body's frame. Azrael's broad muscular build stalked over hers. She was a mere 5'9" (170cm) Tall for her heritage but Azrael still towered over her. She had never noticed how intimidating he was. His crown sat atop his head and fitted his facial frame. His oval face matching the green orbs in the gold. He stood with his feet slightly apart and waited for her response.

She took a small step back shifting in her stance and lifted her chin. "Well, here I am," Evelynn smiled, trying to minimize her fear indented into her at the sight of him. His face did look slightly punch-able though, to her despise she could slap the soft freckles on the bridge of his nose off his face.

Azrael pulled a key out of his pocket and unlocked the twin door to the balcony. The sun lighting up the green carpet. "I had it locked since my father was killed," He pushed the door open further and suggested Evelynn come out to the balcony. She hummed in a positive response and sat down in the white chairs, next to him with a small identical white table, between them.

"Have you finished the book yet?"

Evelynn turned to him and smiled. "Well I had too, you fused over it after all," She nudged him in temptation. Azrael smiled at her, remembering chasing her over the library and reading with her.

"Did you like it though?" Azrael questioned sarcastically, looking off into the garden below them, then his gaze drifting to the forest at the end of the garden. Then he returned to her. Her pupils dilating as her smile brightened.

"Very much," Evelynn nodded, chuckling.

Azrael burst out laughing at her. His intimating features disappeared as his smile relaxed Evelynn nerves. His eyes squinting as he laughed.

"What?" Evelynn laughed at him.

"Nothing," Azrael laughed, "It's just your so hypocritical," He placed a hand on Evelynn's leg leaning forwards.

Evelynn brushed his handoff. "And you're a douche," She laughed, at his attempt of an insult. "You will have to try harder to hurt my feelings Azrael,"

They both laughed. Butterflies growing in their stomachs.

"Well if I get to know you maybe I would," Azrael spoke. His humorous voice lingering Evelynn's heart. "What's your favourite colour," He spoke glancing at her dress.

"I thought you were going to ask what's my trauma or something personal," Evelynn clicked her tongue. Azrael crossed his eyebrows and tilted his head.

"Blue. It's like a crystal blue colour. Like the ocean," She huffed. Azrael lent back in his chair. "Yours?"

"Sage green,"

"Ironic much," Evelynn laughed throwing her hands in front of him than shaking her head.

Azrael laughed at her.

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