Part 37

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Evelynn snuck down the dim hallway to the ballroom. She heard the clock tick with every disappearing second. Evelynn adjusted her blades strapped around her thigh. She threw on her hood and her feet silently tapped down into the marble ballroom. Withdrawing a breath Evelynn pushed open the twin doors to the ballroom.

The white ballroom was lit up with the moonlight, shining through the ceiling. Evelynn glanced back to the artwork of the angles, high above her. The wings of the Archangel are lit up by the rising moon. Evelynn shuddered at the thought of the artwork's message. Her eyes glistened to the view in front of her.

In front of the green velvet thrones. Was the two of them. Lovestruck. To the point, it was blinding. Evelynn exhaled at the sight of them. Walking up to them Evelynn withdrew her hood. Their faces were solemn. Holding their hands in each other. Evelynn's face was wiped of any emotion as she saw them. Their eyes struggled to remain on her as Evelynn closed the gap between them.

"Marlin? Are you okay?" Evelynn asked swallowing. Her hand twitching near her dress shielded the sight of a hidden blade. Marlin looked back at Evelynn, and squeezing Collin's hand shuddered as she spoke.

"We want to go," Marlin choked out between her pale near blue lips.

"Where-" The words escaped Evelynn's lips as she looked up to Collin. Triggering a response.

"A war is going to break out, Evelynn" Collin's chest rose as he sputtered out the dark words. Evelynn took a step back. Furring her eyebrows. No, it can't. Not again. Evelynn bit the inside of her cheeks and looked back at Collin's dark basil eyes. His pale pink hair falling over his eyes. He shook his head at the sight of Evelynn's disbelief.

"Eramada is going to declare war. We are going to escape and we-" Collin exhaled reaching out to Evelynn. No. Evelynn clenched her knuckles and dismissed his action.

"We need your help Evelynn." Evelynn's name on Marlin's sending shivers down her spine. In the fear that she is trusted. "Collin is going to be deployed and this is our time. We needed to tell someone." Evelynn unclenched her fists and nodded biting her tongue.

"What's your plan?" Evelynn integrated them. They looked at her both blank. A flame ignited within Evelynn. Anger grew and screamed inside of her gut as their blank response continued. "What is your plan?" She snarled. "You don't have a plan?" She yelled.

They both shushed her. The high pitched air whistling in Evelynn's ears echoing their fear as Marlin placed her index finger over her lips.

"Evelynn this is why we need you. You know they routes, maps. Your from the Southam Wastes for God's sake," Marlin hissed.

Evelynn finally snapped. The flame growing into a fire. She scraped her tongue over her teeth as she whispered, the three words to end the lie.

"No I'm not,"

Bubbling with fear and anger it slipped. Evelynn exhaled heavily, as she repeated the words. Ending the lie, closing her eyes she repeated. "No I'm not."

Marlin looked at Collin for a split second before grabbing Evelynn's hand in response. Evelynn felt her touch. Her cool skin wrapped around a warm source.

"Please, help us Evelynn," Marlin pled. Evelynn looked down at the pearl ring that she wore. "Please," Marlin repeated.

"I'm Athrolilan. I'm the Princess." The truth on her tongue, in her words. Evelynn waited for their response. Collin's eyes widened as he took a step forwards to her. He withdrew his sword. Evelynn snatched her hand from Marlin's and took a step back in surrender. Rising her hands above her head. The fire snapping out, in a gust of wind inside of her.

"I can get you out of here," Evelynn raised her hands higher above her head. Swallowing Evelynn took another step back. Marlin stepped behind Collin in fear. Peaking her white-haired head from behind Collin.

"I propose an escape route through the forest to the boarders of Athrolila. I can write a letter to one of the control guards and let you through. Please, please don't kill me," Evelynn bargained. The fear crackling in her voice. She wasn't going to get killed if Collin decided to attack her. Rather Evelynn was afraid that she would kill him. She couldn't do that. If Collin was right and a war is brewing again, getting them both out of here would be the safest choice. She couldn't lose them. Collin raised his blade above her. Evelynn was ready to pounce and withdraw her blades.

"Collin don't. She wants to help us. I trust her." Marlin yelled pulling him back, forcing herself between them. Tears began to swell underneath Evelynn's blue eyes. Collin halted at the sight of his lover between her. Startled Collin placed his sword back in its holder.

Inhaling Marlin thanked Evelynn. "Thankyou," She said. "We owe you,"

Evelynn nodded in response, reaching out for Marlin. She wrapped her arms around Evelynn and embraced her. "My people won't hurt you I promise," Evelynn whispered, into Marlin's shoulder. "4 months," Marlin pressed her lips onto Evelynn's forehead. Wiping a strand of her black hair over Evelynn's ear. "4 months and I will never forget what your doing for us. Thankyou." Marlin smiled withdrawing from her.

Collin nodded in response. "I am sorry for withdrawing my blade. From what I have heard-"

"Don't worry about it. I promised to myself that I would never hurt either of you." Evelynn looked to Collin then to Marlin. "I told myself that, I wouldn't"

"By the time you reach the boarders of Athrolila the letter would arrived, if you leave at soon. I will send the letter in the morning to restrict suspicion,"

"Thankyou Evelynn,"


The moon grew higher into the night sky. The white light casting itself over the forest hills. Evelynn stared out over the forest on her balcony. The green hues masking their dark shadows. Evelynn stood with her blue cape flowing in the heavy wind. She grasped her hands on the concrete pillars. Her Athrolilan crown was perched on her head, as her black hair flew in the wind. The blades were exposed as the wind withdrew her dress up around her thighs. The black leather holders strapped to her legs winded up her legs like a vine. The blue jeweled hilts of the daggers shifted in their holders as Evelynn looked high above the hills at their shadows in the distance.

"I'll see you soon friend." Evelynn said. Her slight Athrolilan accent is present in her words of hope.

The Kingdoms of Blue and Green.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon