Part 1

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For those who underestimate their abilities, may you find happiness in yourself and in making your dreams possible.



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The wind blew through the ballroom of the castle, as they forced her onto her cut knees ripping off her mask. The gore of the Knights clung to her midnight blue dress. They tied her arms behind her back as she resisted she fell forward. Her knees slid around on the pearl white tiles. She glanced up to the glass roof, the midnight sky and stars lighting up her face.

"Look what you have done!" A man bellowed in the seat rimmed with gold.

She froze. Her muscles flooded with concrete as she remained still. She stared at the man in the seat. His broad shoulders were covered in a pale green cape that extended to his ankles. Atop his head was a gold crown with sapphires and emeralds in it. Like the Gods themselves had crafted it.

"Now, I don't think you have an invitation" The man huffed a broken laugh. His face broke a slight smile that spread across his thin lips. "Now on the coronation of the new King", He exclaimed. He slammed a hand onto the armrests of the chair. The cape shining in the light of the stars. "On the night where he will rule the kingdom and chose 20 bachelorettes and daughters of the court." He huffed. His smile dropped. His old weary face became blank.

The crowd of people behind the both of them whispered, hearing the ruffles of dresses and the gasps of the potential brides. They were all here; for the new king. Generals of the court, their wives and daughters. Captains and leaders of this Kingdom are all here to celebrate the King. May he also pick a future bride of course.

The girl raised her chin to the ceiling once again. The white arches cover the roof with a chandler sitting in the middle. She could see the stars outside of the glassed windows above. Her breathing became steady. She has calmed the sight of the stars.

"We can't have an intruder like you here can we?" He questioned raising his glass to the crowd of nobles. "We have a war in the brinks," He laughed. His laugh was more like a low cackle that echoed throughout the marble ballroom. "One less low life to kill anyway," His face brightened.

"I kill you, your son and everyone in the retched kingdom of yours." She screamed. The knights that held her tightened their grip on her. The metal of their armour dug into her arm. She groaned at the pain as she shifted her stare onto the newly crowned King sitting on the left of his father.

His dragon green eyes looked down at her and smirked when he caught her stare. She was intriguing after all. Kneeling on a beautiful ripped blue dress. Stained red with gore on the blue strips covering her waist. The clear rhinestones were covered with dried blood. Her sapphire eyes glowed with fury and fire. The strains of her ebony black hair were falling onto her face. Yet she stared with fury in her eyes, right into his soul.

"I always wonder what it would be like to be here. Dancing and drinking here with the rich. Wearing a beautiful dress." She continued to look at the King. Her eyes still finding the gaze on the new King. "Little did I know that I am this close to the new King." She gave a slight bow of her head in condolence. She lifted her head to face the king.

The new King saw a shard of metal peak out of the girls dress. He raised his eyebrows. She still looked at the King's Father.

"You're a monster!" She chuckled raising her chin. Her smile dropped as the King placed his glass down.

"I was a King" He bellowed as he spat at the girl's feet. She smiled at him her eyes sad but full of mischief.

"And I was a God"

With that, she unleashed.

She swiped her hands forward to make an 'x' above her face. The knights fell gasping, with their hands on their throats. She jumped onto her feet and reached for the King's father. The metal shard in her left and the king's throat in her right.

She growled.

She raised the blade to his neck.

The man's, Adam's apple bobbled as he tried to breathe through her grasp.

His wife, the Queen seated on the King's Father's left. Screamed as the blade slashed across the old man's throat. Her high pitched squeal rattled the ballroom.

The king fell off the chair. His body was limp and weary. With the metal shard thrown next to the girl in the blue dress, covered in dripping thick blood.

The girl stepped back. She bowed to the King.

"All hail the new King" She whispered loud enough for the dragon eyed king to hear.

With that, she ran. The crowd became hysterical.

The girl pushed herself through the crowd of screaming females. The men of the court pulled out their swords and hidden daggers attached to their weapon belts. If the noble men found her in the crowd they wouldn't have enough time to try to slash the blade to try to inflict any injury upon her. She had a kitchen knife from the dining table under her dress. She would swipe a few times and their heads would roll onto the marble ballroom floor.

The knights and palace guards began bursting into the ballroom.

The girl ripped her dress as she reached the doors opposite the ballroom. The knights scurry to reach her.

She pushed a bookcase over next to her to stop the guards. She gave one last look to the King in green, running after her. His jaw was clenched in anger but his green eyes shone with fear.

He stood still as she gave him a last look over her shoulder. She paused and stared back then ran down the hall. He pushed himself through the crowds avoiding the hysterical females crying over their headless husbands and fathers.

The King reached the end of the ballroom. He looked down the hall to his left. The blue fabric was attached to the fallen bookcases and blood from a dripping knife made a breadcrumb-like trail down the dim-lit corridor.

He needed to find her.

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