Part 38

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Azrael placed his quill down on the parchment. The black ink sinking into the paper. His writing became messier as the court meeting went on. He sketched a rough outline of the attack zones. The black dotted line outlined the borders. The large black 'X's near the Kelece River, where they would push the Eramadam border too. Southwest of Athrolila and 100km / 66miles from The Southam Wastes.

"How many soldiers do we have out there already?" Azrael peered through his brown hair, as his head remained fixed on the map. His green eyes were fixated on his court. He snickered at them. "Do I need to repeat myself," Azrael pushed his hair back, with his palm. He stared blankly at the court members. They returned the gaze. He lifted his palms to them, in suggestion.

"500 to 3,000 your Highness," A court member replied ending the creeping silence. Azrael tilted his head to the man who locked eyes with him. Azrael surveyed him. The man's grey sideburns and beard twitched as he spoke slowly. Articulating every word. "We don't know exact numbers,"

Azrael turned to his court on his left. Along with the table, their displeasure was slowly being expressed on their faces. Marcus' jaw tightened and he placed his quill down as Azrael raised his eyebrows at him. Marcus returned a similar expression. Azrael shifted his gaze further along with the table to Aiden. His silver eyes narrowing as he caught his stare. Aiden shuffled in his seat and placed his arms on the table. Rayleen looked at Aiden. His blonde hair swaying as he sat up straight, looking over his shoulder to Aiden right of him. Azrael saw that his court was growing uncomfortable at the comment.

"I need exact numbers before we push the boarders. I need the number of soldiers out there," Azrael revealed. "We cannot send low numbers of soldiers to push the boarders if Athrolila has retaliation. It's a suicide mission, don't you understand that?" Azrael slammed his fists on the table. Sending a shattering echo down the table. The court members suddenly sat up straight, placing their arms on the table. "Come back to me with the exact numbers, until then court dismissed," He said angrily. The court all stood up as Azrael pushed his chair back. He clipped his cape back on and pushed his chair in. "In a two and a half weeks time, I want that information before we make a decision, until then enjoy the ball tonight. Don't get to wasted boys," Azrael smiled adding some humor to the dry hair. A chuckle was made in return by the court members. They all walked out except Aiden, Rayleen and Marcus.

"I can't go on with this," Azrael said to them, Taking his crown off and placing it on his hands.

"Yes you can Azrael," Marcus reassured him, placing a hand on his shoulder. The others nodding in response.

"We need you to hold this court together for Eramada's sake," Rayleen added, hitting him on the shoulder. Making both of them smile.

"Take the night off Azrael and dance and drink, and whatever else you need," Aiden raised his eyebrows suggestively. Azrael shook his head at his friend. "It's a ball after all," Aiden's silver eyes lit up at the words.

Azrael hummed in response, "It is a ball after all," Slapping Aiden on the back.


Evelynn placed her book down. She stared off into the distance of the library. The colourful squares filled the distance. The rows of books and corridors. Evelynn snuck into the private sector of the library. The two twin black couches behind her. She seated herself at a desk in the corner. Evelynn turned around to face the door as she heard footsteps. The hidden case rattled as the footsteps closed in. Her heart raced, Evelynn stared as the bookcases continued to rattle at the vibrations of the footsteps out of the door.

Then disappeared. The rattling of the cases stopped.

Calming her nervous breaths Evelynn turned back around to her desk. The dim lamp light showing the spilt inkpot as she turned around to her desk. Evelynn mouthed a curse and threw her chair back. Stepping back she twitched her fingers. She searched through the bin next to her. She picked several pieces of paper. She pressed it onto the desk trying to soak up the dripping ink. Mouthing more curses Evelynn tipped the whole bin onto her desk. Pressing her hands onto the paper and broken quills hoping to stop the ink dripping onto the pale green rug. Ink stained her hands.

"Great, Great Great! Well done Evelynn," She hissed at herself. Trying her best to wipe her now black hands on the soaked papers.


Evelynn looked up from the basin. The dark grey water covering the basin as she washed her hands. She wandered out of her bathroom wiping her damp hands on the hand towel. She placed it on the windowsill and glanced at her bed. The dark blue gown was neatly placed on her bed. Her heels were on the oak floor. Evelynn pulled her bedside table draw out. She lifted a small dark blue box. She closed the drawer, holding the box in her hand. She opened the box and placed it on her gown. The gold plated dark blue clover earrings snuggled in its cushion on the box. The diamonds sending circles of light over the wall, as they shone. Evelynn pressed her lips together and smiled.


Evelynn looked at herself one last time. The moon was rising over the hills. It reminded her of the night Collin and Marlin escaped. Evelynn rubbed her hands together and walked over to her desk. She pulled out a draw. The scrap letters crumbling as she ripped hit open. Evelynn ravaged through the draft letters to her friend.

"Oh, I hope they're safe," Evelynn said clutching onto her stomach. "I hoped he received the letter," She remembered placing it in Riley's hand. Politely ask him to send it to the address. Lying to him about where it was going. "Home," She said to him, releasing her grip on the sealed letter. "It's urgent," Evelynn nodded to Riley. It had been a month. Every gut-wrenching second of having to act oblivious to the others when they asked where they had gone. Evelynn groaned at the thought of Lisandra prodding at her, over and over.


"Excited?" Lisandra asked, patting down her blood-red ballgown. Evelynn looked at her and pulled a face. Evelynn rolled her eyes and frowned puffing up her lips. Lisandra chuckled at Evelynn. "I'll take it as a no,"

"It's not that, Lisandra," Evelynn said pulling up her off the shoulder sleeves on her dress. "I feel weird," Evelynn gulped looking at Lisandra then at the open doors. "It's been 5 months since the first ball," Lisandra tilted her head at her. "And I feel like its been more then that," Evelynn scratched behind her ears. It feels like such a long time since the first ball. Where I met his Royal Highness. Evelynn cringed.

"Remind me to take you to the Court of Heartland, soon. It will feel like home so you won't miss yours so much," Lisandra promised to Evelynn nudging her as she walked through the open doors to the courtroom.

"I'll hold you to that," Evelynn smiled wrapping her arm through Lisandra's.

The Kingdoms of Blue and Green.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz