Part 7

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Evelynn brushed her dress one final time. The layered green fabric fell off her shoulders. She played with the fabric flowers sown onto her waist. The green fabric drooped over her hips and just touched the floor. She turned to look at the back of the dress. She nudged her sword deeper into the back of her laced dress. The cross hatching of the fabric hid the blade and it's blue encrusted handle. 

Nerves shook within Evelynn. She had never been at any Eramada ball before. Without killing anyone in the process, she added. She wondered if it was similar to Athrolila's. 

Everyone in the Kingdom was invited regardless of their social status. People would dance and sing out onto the streets surrounding the castle, until the sun rose over the ocean. She met so many of her childhood friends down dancing on the streets, singing off key. She wondered if she would ever experience that again. Or see them again.

Evelynn inhaled a sharp breath removing the memories, and looked back to the carriage. The carriage had been perfectly blended in with the others. Similar in size. What made it stand out was the gold encrusted handles and details. Her mother always had good taste in carriages, Evelynn thought. 

She missed her mother dearly. Evelynn held back tears as they parted. Trying to stay strong. But a little part inside of her was dying at the thought that she would never see her Kingdom again. The burning sensation settled into her throat as she made her way closer to the castle doors.

She knocked softly onto the door of the castle. The guards barley recognizing her presence. The door opened to revel a host to guide the guests into the palace. The young man adjusted his hat and opened the door wider for Evelynn.

Evelynn put out her pale hand and handed the boy a white invitation and wrapped in gold ribbon.

The boy lifted the invitation slightly. The ribbon stretching in the process. He glanced down at the name then looked up at Evelynn.

"Princess Evelynn of Southam Wastes" The young boy said. Placing the letter on a small table to his left. She saw that similar invitations were placed there as well. 

"Yes sir." Evelynn responded politely to the host. 

"You have traveled a long way" The boy said, biting his lip and rubbing his shoulder. 

Evelynn nodded at the comment and the boy extended his hand to Evelynn. She placed her hand on his and he lead her in. 

The doors closed silently behind Evelynn. The young man let go of her hand. 

"May I ask, How did you get through Athrolila?" The boy whispered. 

Little did the host know, The Southam Wastes on the southern side of Athrolila have been in a alliance for the past decade. And both their airs are male children. A little white lie couldn't hurt him. Evelynn smiled through her teeth, at him.

"It took many days kind sir," Evelynn put on a show, as she nodded once more at the boy "But we snuck through the boarders to reach Eramada I am here to unite the country with Eramada. To take down Athrolila." She lied through her teeth as planned. 

"Now I don't want to pick favorites your Highness but I think you are the one to bet on" The boy smiled.

"Am I?" Evelynn questioned, standing up tall.

"Most of the females have no personality and just want the riches that come with the title," The boy added leading her closer to another door.

His brown hair hid underneath his guard covering. It was unkept and slightly askew. He was strong as he was taller than Evelynn. His shoulders relaxed as she looked up at him. He looked the young age of 16. His eyes a dark blue. 

Evelynn flattered her eyelashes towards the boy, and then looked down at her feet, covered by her dress.

"I am betting on you" He drawled out in a sing song. Evelynn blushed, continuing to look down as she walked.

He turned sharply on his feet and opened an other door. The some rooms recognizable to Evelynn. The night playing in her head.

Both the boy and Evelynn walked through the large and candle lit corridor. 

"What was your name kind sir?" She asked brushing her dress as she walked.

The boy paused "Riley" The boy puffed up his chest and stood tall as he continued to walk.

"Thank you Riley. I hope to develop a friendship with you while I am staying in this castle" A real smiled appeared on her face. "And I can't let you lose the bet can I?" Evelynn chuckled.

"No thank you. I would like this week earnings your Highness" His smiled brightened.

"Call me Evelynn not this your Highness things. I hate formalities" She drawled. 

She did hate the titles stuck with her name in Athrolila. The memory brought a slight smile to her face as they turned a corner. Reaching a large door.

"Ok then Evelynn." Riley said  "Would you like me to exhort your belongings to a suite?" He asked politely his hands grasping onto a entrance to the ballroom.

"That would be lovely" She stood on her toes, and raised her lips to his cheek. She pressed her lips softly onto his cheek. She lowered herself onto flat foot and looked up at him.

The poor boy had gone red as a rose. A smile was brought to the Evelynn's face. It made Riley blush harder.

He shook his head slightly to his self-embarrassment. And looked back at Evelynn.

"Now I recommend taking this entrance" Riley said as he directed pointing to a large door.

"This is the stairway entrance. You would walk down the stares to meet at the southen end of the floor, then walk to the tables at the other end," He said as she grasped onto the door handle. "This would make a really good impression" He looked at Evelynn. His calm features and facial expression put Evelynn's nerves at ease.

"Thank you Riley" Evelynn smiled.

"Thank You Princess" He smiled as he turned the doorknob to the stairwell entrance. The light from the ballroom lit up Evelynn's dress.

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