Part 19

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Evelynn stalked down the dim hallway of the castle. Retracing her steps as she made her way back to the training room. Her black hood floating at her feet. Her sword belted behind her back, and daggers strapped to her thighs. She threw her hood over her head as she stormed down the hallway.

She pushed open the doors to the room. A intense burn in Evelynn's gut appeared. She didn't know if it was cycle related or.... Marcus' sobbing cut of Evelynn's train of thought.

His broad shoulders huffed up and down as his hands gripped at his blond hair. Kneeling on the mat leant forward like he was bound to vomit. His face red and eyes strained as he look up to Evelynn.

Her blue eyes didn't look down on him. There was a calmness in her eyes, perhaps even a glimmer of empathy. Evelynn brushed her black hood behind her and sat on her knees. He could hear Evelynn's small breaths as she pressed herself onto him in an embrace. She wrapped her arms around his broad shoulders, and etch of a sob tickled in Marcus' throat as she embraced him. He sobbed into Evelynn's shoulder.

He removed his hands from his unkept hair and placed them on his lap. Resting his head on Evelynn's shoulder with each breath and sob, she remained there. Her blue eyes looking onto the distance as Marcus held onto her. 

Evelynn's forced herself to remain calm. She felt his pain. The tears falling down his cheeks, wrecking the strong warrior aura that he had perceived himself as to Evelynn. His low v cut shirt displaying a long scar running down is collarbone to his lower back. His hands remained on his lap as he continued to sob. Evelynn looked back to him.

His caramel brown eyes bloodshot as he looked up to her. The pain grew in Evelynn's stomach.

"I didn't want you to see me like this," Marcus stumbled. His voice cracking and broken as he whispered. 

"Marcus," Evelynn whispered letting go from him. She lent on her knees looking into his eyes. Marcus rubbed his face and eyes. His jaw still damp from his tears. "Marcus," She repeated grabbing his hands to prevent him from rubbing his face even more.

Her warm hands just wrapped around his. Evelynn's features became stern.  

"For the month that I have been here, I know that you are one of the strongest people I know," Her voice calming him. "You don't have to tell me anything," She paused letting go of his hands. They dropped back to her sides and she stood up from her knees.

Marcus looked up at the Princess. Her black hood wrapping around her. Her small crown perched on her raven haired head. Her eyes looked down upon him, full of fury and flame. Her lips parted as she spoke. "But I will always be here Marcus, cause you have helped me the same way I want to help you," 

Marcus stood up from his knees and looked at Evelynn. "My past," He stuttered. "My upbringing and" He paused again. Evelynn nodded at him understanding. "My wife,"

Evelynn's heart cracked. His eyes dying with each word. All the moments of Marcus and her flashed in her eyes. Where he had pushed her to her physical limits and taught her along the way. How she had treated him. She respected him as a well known warrior, but thought deep down he was an enemy. Envied him with the way he lived, with pride and dignity.

"I am so sorry," Evelynn stumbled removing her hood. Unclipping it from her thin training amour, she folded it and placed it on the weapons table to her left.

"I have had much worse," Marcus chuckled. His voice an echo of his sorrow in his raspy chuckle.

"I'm so so sorry," Evelynn walked forward placing her hand out to him. She wanted him to take it and shake it. Marcus paused before wrapping his hand in hers. His calloused hands gently shaking her hand.

"I want to tell you the story," Marcus spoke, his voice louder than a whisper.


Azrael walked down the hallways of the castle to his bedroom. His green cape trailing behind him.

The door clicked to open to his sleeping quarters. Azrael walked into his room. Everything was tidy and clean but a sense of emptiness covered the room. Like a cloud hovering over the hills. Azrael threw open the draws to his room. Looking for the missing piece of the puzzle. He continued shifting through all the documents and papers in his desk. 

A peak of red ribbon caught is attention. He grabbed the rolled up piece of paper and forcefully ripped off the crimson ribbon.

He unrolled the document and there was the map of Athrolila, marked out to call to war.


Evelynn's throat bobbled in her chest as Marcus spoke. All the memories he shared with her.

"When I was a boy. I was abandoned at the boarders between Athrolila and Eramada. After weeks a stumbled into the Eramada's castle," He spoke with complete regulation. "I saw the King in the garden. I met him unintentionally and his mother gave me a place here as a servant,"

Evelynn rocked forwards and backwards as she sat. 

"When I was 14, I showed potential as a guard and warrior at the King's side," 

Evelynn's breath hitched.

"I was 18 when I was first sent to war, 4 grueling months on the battlefield between Eramada and the now allied Caledonia," Marcus paused and tugged at his shirt, displaying his long scar.

"That's where I earnt this," Marcus tugged at his shirt again. The ripple of the scar tugging on his pale skin. "Being slashed up the back isn't the best thing"

Evelynn just watched. Watched is breath climb up and down as he struggled to speak.

"I laid on the battlefield for hours in complete agony until the final line of yellow stars found me," Marcus placed his hands together and nodded "She found me,"

Evelynn raised an eyebrow "My wife," Marcus said looking down at his hands. "She healed me and wrapped my wounds. After time I got to know her. Her hobbies and interests as I was bound to bedrest,"

"So you married her," Evelynn nodded. "She saved you,"

"And I thanked her everyday for it," Marcus choked on his words. "A-and S-she passed giving birth to our stillborn baby boy," 

Evelynn clutched onto Marcus, hugging him tightly. Marcus started stumbling out his words again.

"Its okay Marcus" She assured him. "Don't speak," She whispered. "Your okay," She continued to clutch him tightly. "I'm so sorry"

"Evelynn," Marcus pushed her away. "I getting sent back out again. To the battle fields of Athrolila,"

Evelynn pulled back and walked backward. She grabbed a sliver hilted knife and threw it at the nearest target. The blade imbedding itself into center of the target. Evelynn was engulfed in anger and fury, they possibly couldn't send him out to the war of Athrolila, if their are at a peace last time she left. Unless Eramada called to war again. She wanted to deny it. She wanted to deny it with all her heart.

"The court wants me to be deployed to the front line and I miss her, miss Lily, I'm sorry Evelynn." 

"Don't be Marcus. Don't be," Evelynn said with pure anger in her eyes. She had to find the evil person who did this. Sent this broken man to war. She would tear the world down for her friend.

So Evelynn grabbed a sword and scrapped it over the weapon table. The loud scratch echoing in her ears. She would kill them all.

The Kingdoms of Blue and Green.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن